CAN/LIN/J2602 PICtail
(Plus) Daughter Board User’s Guide
DS70319B-page 22
2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
dsPIC33F and PIC24H Tutorial Overview
ECAN Software
Several code examples are available to demonstrate the usage and functionality of the
ECAN module on the dsPIC33F and PIC24H device families. These code examples
• dsPIC33F code examples:
- CE127: Crosswire Communication between ECAN1 and ECAN2 modules
- CE128: ECAN FIFO Receive Example
- CE129: Processing of Remote Transmission Requests using ECAN
• PIC24H code examples:
- CE227: Crosswire Communication between ECAN1 and ECAN2 modules
- CE228: ECAN FIFO Receive Example
- CE229: Processing of Remote Transmission Requests using ECAN
All dsPIC33F and PIC24H code examples are available as freely-downloadable source
code on the web site: www.microchip.com/codeexamples.
In addition, the dsPIC33F/PIC24H Peripheral Library, included with the MPLAB C30
compiler, contains several driver functions for the ECAN module.
LIN Software
LIN Master and Slave driver functions and application examples supporting the
dsPIC33F, PIC24H and PIC24F device families are under development.
This software will be available for free download from the Microchip web site
(www.microchip.com), along with an Application Note describing the usage and
functionality of the LIN drivers.