Step 4
While the obturator is heating, mix and place any heat
resistant sealer (usually a non-eugenol sealer/MM-Seal
recommended). Using the HEROfill
Verifier, place a
thin coating of sealer on the wall of the canal.
Step 5
After the tone, remove it by sliding the handle toward the
center opening in the Oven and lifting straight up. Without
twisting the handle, immediately insert the obturator into the
canal to the working distance.
Step 6*
Allow the gutta percha to cool for 3-4 minutes.
Confirming radiographs may be taken during this time.
Step 7*
Remove the handle and insertion pin by twisting it.
Cut away excess plastic core with a small inverted cone bur
and trim away the extra gutta percha.
*Optional Technique:
Stabilize the central core with cotton pliers while removing the
handle and insertion pin with a small inverted cone bur. Be careful
to prevent vertical movement of the core to minimize the chance of
disturbing the apical seal.