Seite 29
RS485 Interface
capaNCDT 61xx/IP
RS485 Interface
The RS485 interface is only present with the DT6120/IP.
You can read the measuring values in digital form via the RS485 interface.
MICRO-EPSILON supports you with the driver MEDAQLib, which contains all commands for the
capaNCDT 6120/IP. You can download the driver directly under the link
You can also use the IF1032/ETH interface converter, see Chap. , for the configuration and reading of the
measuring values via Ethernet.
Hardware Interface
The interface is a half-duplex RS485 interface (1 common line pair for Rx and Tx).
Baud rate:
230400 (other baud rates adjustable)
Data format:
1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit (straight), 1 stop bit
RS485 Address: 126 (1 … 126 adjustable)
In controller there is no RS485 terminal resistance. For RS485 cables longer than 5 meters a terminal resis-
tance of 120 Ohm between the A and the B line both at the bus start and end is necessary.
The capaNCDT 6120/IP behaves like a RS485-Slave. Since it is a halfduplex protocol, only the Master can
initiate a communication. Each device on the RS485 bus requires a RS485 address. The master sends a
request with address on the bus and only the Slave with the address then responds to the request.