Lithium Battery Expert 15 Years
abnormal,damaged,deformed, leakage etc, do not use the battery anymore. Please keep the battery away from
fire sources to avoid fire and explosion.
Performancewillbereduced,evenifit isstoredfora longtimewithoutbeingused.
Ifthe charging, discharging,and temperaturearenot withinthe specified range ofrequirement, Willreduce
batterylifeor causeleakageand damaged.
If can't charge for a long time and charging
methodiscorrect,youneedto replacethe battery.
Thebatteryshouldbestored ina greenhouseandshouldbechargedto 30%to 60%.
If storedfora longtime, it isrecommendedto chargeonceeverysix monthsto prevent
discharge of the battery.
If the customer needs to use this product for equipment other than those specified in
this document, or if this product is used under conditions other than those specified in this
document, please contact us in advance because specific experimental tests are required to
Our company will not be liable for any accidents if use this product under conditions
other thanthosespecified inthisdocuments.
If necessary,our company will inform the customer in writing about the improvement
Any matters not mentioned in this manual must be determined through mutual negotiation. The information
contained in this document (including changes without prior notice) is for reference onlyand cannot be used as a
warrantyor statement of quality. For unresolved issues, pleaseconsult yournearestmarketingofficeor distributor.
The supplier reserves the right to amend and improve the design, model and specifications without prior notice.