This item is made by zigbee 3.0 standard protocol with low
consumption,strong ability to set up internet and anti-interference.
It can control on/off, RGB color,color temperature,saturation and
brightness for zigbee 3.0 lights.One remote device can control
max 25 lights.
1. Features
Zigbee 3.0 standard protocol
Zigbee 3.0
Compatible with all zigbee 3.0 lights
Each zone can keep one favorite color, double click
zone "
" key to get it (Need to add remote into zigbee
gateway and set up by App)
7 Zones can divide lights into different
combinations easily
Dim brightness / saturation
Remote support add to the zigbee 3.0 gateway
Can realize App and remote to control lights
16 Millions of colors to choose
Color temperature adjustable