This is a radio controlled switch for the switching of
mains power to lighting and appliances up to 250W.
Only the Line is switched to the load. Switching is
initiated either by radio control or manually by
pressing the button on the housing. It is compatible with
Mi|Home Remote Control (MIHO003) and the Mi|Home
network. It is a receive-only device operating in the
433MHz ISM short-range band using OOK modulation.
In the Box:
Light Switch, Screw Fittings, User Guide
We recommend incandescent & halogen bulbs which
are 250W max, or dimmable LED bulbs which are
maximum 50W in total and not exceeding 6 bulbs per
swtich. Not suitable for fluorescent, non-dimmable LED
and CFL bulbs or any light requiring line drivers.
This device operates at UK mains voltage levels
Therefore, we advise installation from a competent,
qualified person. It can fit into a 25mm metal pattress or
35mm dry lining pattress box, but not into a 4 lug box.
Can only be used in a two way switching
configuration with a MiHome slave switch. Using any
other switch as a slave will damage the switch.
Applicable in England and Wales, where the installation
of this product falls under the scope of the Building
Regulations requirements for Part P, the installation
must be carried out by registered competent persons
and certified as follows:
a. Self-certification by a registered competent person
b. 3rd-party certification by registered 3rd-party certifier
c. Building control body
For an installation that is not notifiable according to the
Building Regulations Part P, work should be designed
and installed, and inspected, tested and certificated in
accordance with BS 7671.
Applicable in Scotland, where the installation of this
product falls under the Building (Scotland) Act, a
Warrant may be required and advice should be sought
from LABSS (Local Authority Building Standards
Scotland. We recommend that a competent qualified
person is used for all installations of this product even
if the installation is deemed to be minor works and
non-notifiable for the purposes of the Building
Regulations. Non-notifiable electrical work can present a
risk to safety. If qualified electricians carry out the work
they should give you a Minor Works Certificate, which
means that they have tested the work to make sure
it is safe. If you do the work yourself you may wish to
engage a qualified electrician to check it for you. Note
that it is the owner of the property who has the legal
liability for complying with the Building Regulations.
Home Light
Quick Start Guide
To control Switch remotely it must be paired with a
controlling device such as MiHome Remote Control or
MiHome Gateway.
Pairing with MiHome Remote Control
To set the unit into pairing mode, press and hold the
button on the front of the light switch housing for 5
seconds or so until the lamp on the front starts to flash.
A single press of the button while it is flashing
will take it out of pairing mode.
Point the hand controller at the light switch at a range
of up to 2m and then press and hold the chosen “ON”
button on the remote handset for 2 seconds or so. You
should see the lamp on the Light Switch housing flash
more quickly for a brief period indicating the pairing has
Pairing with the MiHome Gateway
Select the Light Switch from the list of devices to pair
from your MiHome account and follow the on-screen
pairing instructions.
The Switch can be paired with up to 5 separate
controllers – remote controls and Gateways alike.
Further attempts to pair will overwrite previous pairings.
Remote Control Operation
Once paired with a remote controlling device the unit
can be switched on and off with that controller. With
the Energenie hand controller it can be controlled with
the on/off buttons to which it is paired and the all on/
off buttons by pressing and holding the chosen “On” or
“Off” button on the remote handset for 1 second.
Follow instructions on the MiHome app or MiHome
server to control the device. You can program it to
switch with conditions such as events and time of day.
Manual Operation
A single short press of the button on the front of the
housing will simply toggle the switch on and off.
What the push button does
1. Single short press to toggle power on/off
2. Long press - 5 secs: Learning mode (slow LED flash)
What the LED indicator lamp means
1. Red = ON, off = OFF
2. Slow flashing = pairing mode
3. Quick flashing = pairing accepted
The outer box of the packaging is 70% recycled material
from managed forests and is 100% recyclable.
Do not dispose of switch with regular household waste.
You must take electronic equipment to a local recycling
centre to be disposed of in line with current regulations.