MFJ-941EK Tuner Kit
Instruction Manual
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Test and Calibration:
These procedures require the following items:
(1) 100-Watt HF transceiver with adjustable RF-power output
(1) Accurate Wattmeter (Bird with 100H slug or calibrated digital meter)
(1) Accurate 50-Ohm dummy load (100-Watt rating or higher)
(1) Porcelain or plastic light socket with pigtail attached
(1) 40-Watt incandescent "appliance" light bulb (do not use CFC bulb!)
(1) Insulated straight-blade tuning tool for setting trimpots and trimcap
(3) PL-259 patch cables, 3-feet or shorter.
(1) Volt-Ohm test meter (VOM)
Pre-Test Inspection:
Perform these checks and correct any discrepancies.
[ ] Check for loose hardware and tighten as needed.
[ ] Inspect
capacitor plates for rotor-to-stator shorts.
[ ] With straightedge, confirm inductor is at 1/8" or more below top of panels.
[ ] Inspect inductor. No taps, turns, or switch wires should be shorted together.
[ ] Confirm meter needles both rest on zero.
[ ] Confirm all knob pointers are aligned correctly and turn smoothly.
[ ] Check pushbuttons to confirm push-on, push-off action without sticking.
Meter Lamp:
To test the meter lamp, use the 2.1-mm male power cable and a power source
(12-volts DC or a 9-V battery).
[ ] Connect voltage source to the power cable (either polarity okay).
[ ] Plug 2.1mm cable into
Meter Lamp
on back panel and press
switch on.
The meter lamp should illuminate
Antenna Selector Check
Use the VOM set at Rx1. The first series checks the
Antenna Selector
mode. Connect one lead to the center-conductor of the
connector on
the back panel. Rotate the
Antenna Selector
switch to each position below and
check the corresponding coax connector for continuity: