MFJ-8621 Data Radio
To install new crystals in your MFJ-8621, refer to the diagram below:
[ ] Remove the MFJ-8621 cabinet lid (one screw on each side of the cabinet).
[ ] Locate and pull the existing transmit crystal (Y3) from its socket.
[ ] Carefully plug the new transmit crystal in its place.
[ ] Locate and pull the existing receive crystal (Y2) from its socket.
[ ] Carefully plug the new receive crystal in its place.
Figure 3
Crystal Locations and Calibration Adjustment Points.
For future reference, label your pull-out crystals for operating frequency and store
them in a safe place.
Anytime you install new crystals, you must readjust L4 and L6 for exact frequency
calibration on the new channel (see page 10). Do not attempt to operate your radio
until this calibration procedure has been completed.