MFJ MFJ-5012 Owner'S Manual Download Page 3

MFJ-5012 MFJ Portable Signal TracerlInjector

Owner's Manual

Signal Injecting

The signal injection technique is applying a signal at each amplifier stage of the device
under lest (DUT) and listening for audio at the DUT speaker. When a stage with
an input and no audio is found, you have found the defective stage. With the DUT
and MFJ-5012 off (both level controls and AM detector), connect the DUT ground to the
MFJ-5012 ground terminal. Connect a wire or something you can probe with to
the Signal Out. Keep all connections as short as possible, especially the ground
connection. The Audio Level control remains off. Place the Signal Out control in
the 12 o'clock position. This is just a starting point; you will have to adjust this
control to accommodate the device that is being tested. Next turn the DUT on.
Starting at the DUT output (the speaker) use the "probe" to inject a signal. If audio
is heard through the speaker (use the Signal Level control as needed), then move to
the input of the last audio stage. If audio is heard through the speaker back up
one more stage. Audio should increase somewhat as you add each stage. Continue
this process until you have a loss of audio. At that point you have found the defective

Note: If you are testing a device that's using amplitude modulation, make sure the

AM Detector is on.


You can check a single amplifier stage. This is by injecting a signal (using
Signal Level and Signal Out) into the input of a particular stage and listening for the signal at
the output of the stage (using Audio Level and Audio In).
Locating defective cables/wires or identifying them is very simple. Just inject a
signal into a wire or cable and use the amplifier/speaker to find the signal on the
other end of the wire or cable.


If you have any problem with this unit first check the appropriate section of this
manual. If the manual does not reference your problem or your problem is not
solved by reading the manual you may call 

MFJ Technical Service 

at 662-323-0549

or the 

MFJ Factory 

at 662-323-5869. You will be best helped if you have. your

unit, manual and all information on your station handy so you can answer any
questions the technicians may ask.
You can also send questions by mail to 



Enterprises, Inc., 300 Industrial Park

Road, Starkville, MS 


by Facsimile to 662-323-6551


or by email to

[email protected]. Send a complete description of your problem, an
explanation of exactly how you are using your unit, and a complete description of
your station.
