MFJ-998RT Legal Limit IntelliTuner
Automatic Remote Antenna Tuner Instruction Manual
© 2011 MFJ Enterprises, Inc
MFJ-998RT Version 1A
The Basics
The MFJ-998RT IntelliTuner
is a comprehensive Full Legal Limit remote automatic antenna tuning unit .
The MFJ-998RT lets you rapidly tune almost any unbalanced or single-wire antenna automatically.
Balanced feedlines may be used with an MFJ-912 1.5 kW 4:1 balun connected to the MFJ-998RT
antenna output.
MFJ's exclusive
algorithms give you fast automatic
tuning with more than 20,000 non-volatile
memories. Each of the two antenna banks has
four banks of memory; and each memory bank has over 2500 non-volatile memories for tuner settings.
The banks allow you to save settings for several antennas giving you the flexibility to move the a tuner
between antennas or move to different locations without loosing the old settings.
The tuner includes a highly efficient switched-L network with wide matching capability, 1.8 to 30 MHz
coverage, backlit LCD display, and heavy-duty 16 amp/1000 volt relays. It is rated at 1500 watts SSB/CW
and will match impedances from 12 to 1600 ohms (SWR up to 32:1).
A maximum of 256 values of inductance and 256 values of input capacitance or 64 values of output
capacitance are available. This provides a total of 81,920 L/C tuning combinations. The nominal tuning
ranges are 0 to 24
H and 0 to 3900 pF. And once a match is found, the matching network values can be
displayed so you may design your own fixed matching network if desired.
Like all MFJ IntelliTuners
, the MFJ-998RT learns and remembers. When you transmit, it automatically
adjusts for minimum SWR and remembers the frequency and tuner settings, safely stored in non-volatile
memory. The next time you operate on that frequency (or close to it) and antenna, these tuner settings
are instantly restored and you’re ready to operate in milliseconds.
When you key your transmitter, MFJ’s
checks its memory to see if you have operated on
that frequency before. If so, tuning is instantaneous and you’re ready to operate. If not, MFJ’s
algorithm (based on MFJ’s famous SWR Analyzer technology) kicks in. It measures the complex
impedance of your antenna. Next it calculates the components needed and instantly snaps them in.
Finally, it fine-tunes to minimize SWR, and you’re ready to operate--all in a fraction of a second.
If the antenna impedance is not within the tuner’s measurement range, MFJ’s
goes into action. Frequency is measured and relevant components values are determined. Only those
values are searched for fast tuning. If it still cannot find a match, the search is performed again using a
different search pattern. The target SWR can be set at 1.0 through 2.0. The minimum power to tune is
approximately five watts. The tuners enter a “sleep” mode when idle and when no transmit signal is
present, turning off the microprocessor clock to avoid the generation of spurious signals.