MFJ-9232 Mini Loop Tuner
Instruction & Technical Manual
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FCC OET Bulletin 65, Supplement B, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human
Exposure to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields.
The FCC Office of Engineering Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, Supplement B,
Evaluating Compliance
with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields
impacts directly
the use and operation of the MFJ-9232
Mini Loop Tuner
. It establishes safe operating distances
from the loop antenna and associated power levels in order to permit the operator and persons that
may be impacted by operation to exist in a safe, RF radiation hazard-free environment. Guidelines
for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) are defined in Supplement B of the bulletin.
Use Supplement B in connection
FCC OET Bulletin 65, Version 97-01. The
information in the supplement provides additional detailed information used for
evaluating compliance of amateur radio stations with FCC guidelines for exposure to
radio frequency electromagnetic fields. However, Supplement B users should also
consult Bulletin 65 for complete information on FCC policies, guidelines and
compliance-related issues. Definitions of terms used in this supplement appear in
Bulletin 65. Bulletin 65 can be viewed and downloaded from the FCC’s Office of
Engineering and Technology’s World Wide Web Internet Site:
Under some circumstances, such as an antenna located unusually near humans, an indoor antenna
in a living space, or a balcony-mounted antenna a foot or so away from a neighbor’s balcony, the
FCC could require a station evaluation or take other action.
Computer models of small HF loops, for
example, yield RF fields very near the antenna that are much higher than the standard amateur radio
station outdoor antenna installation yields.
Therefore, when you use the MFJ-9232
Mini Loop Tuner
in your Ham Shack, at a portable location (outdoors), or one such as a hotel/motel room, you must
take care
to exceed established MPE for yourself and others who may encounter the RF field
associated with your operation.