There are two ways to reset a sequence to step 1.
A fixed reset can be programmed in track CG1. Press and hold the step at which you want the
sequence to reset and then press Start/Stop. The same procedure eliminates the reset point.
Secondly, the reset-function can be externally controlled by trigger-impulses sent to Reset-
input (min. +5 volts), e.g. from another (free) track or from another sequencer.
Deleting a track
A track can be deleted by pressing SEQUENCE with the REC-LED being lit (see
Programming multiple steps).
Set the sequence-tempo with the DATA-knob, while holding REC. The corresponding clock-
information is send to Clock Out (+5 volts) in order to synchronize clock-dependent modules.
The internal clock-resolution of SEQ-02 is 96 clicks per bar. It can be reduced to 16 clicks.
The current setting is displayed by pressing REC and SEQUENCE for at least one second
(LEDs 13 to 16):
Step 13 = 96 internal clock
Step 14 = 96 external clock
Step 15 = 16 internal clock
Step 16 = 16 external clock
To change the setting, press and hold REC and SEQUENCE plus the respective step-button
13-16. At any of the two “external” settings, the sequence-tempo is dependent on the clock-
signal at Clock In (min. +5 volts).
The SEQ-02 module offers seven shuffle intensities. The current mode is displayed, when
pressing and hold REC and SEQUENCE for at least one second (LEDs 1 to 8).
1 indicates the basic setting without shuffle, 2 to 8 represent active shuffle with increasing
To change the value, press and hold REC and SEQUENCE plus the respective step-button 1-
INFO: Shuffle is not available, when using a 16
-clock-resolution (internal/external)!
Saving sequences
In order to prevent data loss, sequences programmed in the SEQ-02 module must be saved
prior to selecting other sequences or switching off the unit off.
A sequence is saved by pressing REC (the corresponding LED turns off). Saving is possible
while the sequencer is stopped or during playback. However, saving during playback will
cause a slight delay.
Operating Manual