The OSC-02 module combines three oscillators, ring-modulation, hard-sync with individual
modulation- and control-inputs. The analog circuit is based on the oscillator-design found in
MFB-SYNTH II and MFB-Kraftzwerg.
Hint: Since the oscillators in OSC-02 are an analog design, it is recommended to leave the
unit switched on five to ten minutes before performance or recording.
OSC-02 is fully compatible to Doepfer’s A-100 modular system - in size, bus-power and
CV/Gate voltage. Connect the 16-pin cable to a corresponded 16-pin jack on the Doepfer
mainframe bus. Supply voltage needs to be +/- 12 volts, 5-volt connections are not required.
The wattage is +/- 40 mA, the module size 16 TE (Teileinheiten).
ATTENTION: Please, check for correct polarity! The colored side of the connector-cable
needs to point downwards so that the cable is not twisted.
OSC-02 makes use of the Doepfer A-100 mainframe/system bus for Key-CV-signals.
Naturally, the bus needs to be fed by either an appropriate MIDI-CV-converter or a Bus-
Access module. The signal needs to conform to the 1-volt/octave-standard and is meant to be
used for oscillator pitch control by a keyboard or sequencer.
All three oscillators will receive the same control voltages (or pitches) when using the
mainframe bus. To send individual control voltages to the oscillators, it is necessary to use the
front panel inputs CV1-3. By using a front-panel input, the corresponding oscillator is
automatically disconnected from the mainframe bus.
CV-inputs 1-3 and audio-outputs are interconnected. This means, that a CV-signal present
CV1 will also control OSC2 and OSC3, when not separately patched. For example, with CV3
being patched, OSC3 is disconnected from the control signal present at CV1, while OSC1 and
OSC2 are still under combined CV1 control.
The function for the audio outputs is comparable: Out3 carries the signals (sum) of all three
oscillators. With Out1 or Out2 being patched, these signals will be subtracted from Out3. To
avoid internal clipping, the summed output signal at Out3 is slightly reduced in level
compared to the single output of OSC3.
OSC1 is tuned by the global Tune control.
There is a choice of three waveforms, selectable by Wave1 switch:
saw tooth
The square wave's symmetry (pulse width) can be controlled by CV4 (see below).
Octave1 switches between the octave registers 16‘, 8‘ and 4‘. Pitch is controlled by CV1 or
the mainframe CV-signal. The required voltage needs to be within a range of 0 to 5 volts.
Additional CV-control can be provided through input CV4. By this, you can add vibrato or a
pitch-envelope. Depending on the setting of the corresponding switch, the input voltage
controls either pitch (OSC1) or pulse width (PW1). This input accepts voltages ranging
between -5 and +5 volts. The shared control CV4+5 sets the modulation intensity.
Global pitch modulation of all three oscillators is possible, using input CV6, switched to ALL.
OSC1’s audio output is Out1 or the summed output Out3 as described above.
OSC2 is widely identical to OSC1. Octave and waveforms are selected just like on OSC1. In
addition to the global Tune control, OSC2 offers detuning of plus minus one octave using the
Interval2 knob.
Independent pitch control is achieved by using input CV2, compared to common control
through the mainframe bus or input CV1 (with CV2 unpatched).
Additional voltage control for modulations like vibrato or pitch envelopes can be provided
through input CV5. Depending on the setting of the corresponding switch, the input voltage
controls either pitch (OSC2) or pulse width (PW2). This input accepts voltages ranging
between -5 and +5 volts. The shared control CV4+5 sets the modulation intensity. OSC2 is
also modulated when using CV6 switched to ALL.
OSC2’s audio output is Out2 or the summed output Out3 as described above. With Out1 not
patched, Out2 carries the signals of both OSC1 and OSC2.
Hint: Modulation of OSC1 and OSC2 (CV4 and CV5 inputs) with different intensities
requires attenuation of one of both control signals prior to the CV-input. You may use a VCA
or a mixer to achieve this, since the module itself only allows shared intensity control through
CV4+5. On the other hand, this control acts fine to fade the overall modulation in and out.