Swivelling in the leg supports
For inward swivelling, let the leg supports
swivel forward until the lock audibly engag-
es [1].
After audibly swivelling the leg sup-
ports inward check the respective lock-
ing device.
Afterwards observe the chapter
Removing the leg supports
For easy transfer into and out of the multi-
function and bearing wheelchair as well as
a reduced wheelchair length (important for
transport) the leg supports can be removed
Fold the calf pads outward before re-
moving the leg supports.
Therefore observe chapter
For removal first swivel the leg support side-
ways [2] and then remove them toward the
top [1].
Therefore observe chapter
Watch for possible danger of jam-
Attaching the leg supports
For inserting press the leg supports, swiv-
elled to the side, parallel to the front frame
tube and lower it into place. – In doing so
the holding pin must slide into the frame
After attachment swivel the leg supports
inward [1].
Therefore observe chapter