In case of an electric failure the seat can
be raised through the emergency switch
(1)+(2), in order to be able to reach the con-
troller and batteries.
The operation is only to be carried out
by service personal in case of emergen-
After activation of the emergency
switch the seat must be raised and low-
ered completely through the operating
module. – Only this warrants a further
use of the seat height adjustment.
Raising the seat
To raise the seat press the lever (1) up first,
then activate the button (2) until the desired
height is reached.
After releasing the button (2) the seat
remains in the same height.
Lowering the seat
To lower the seat press the lever (1) down
first, then activate the button (2) until the
desired height is reached.
After releasing the button (2) the seat
remains in the same height.