As any other technical product, the
shower and toilet chair also requires
regular care and maintenance. The
following care instructions and the
maintenance manual describe the
measures that are to be carried out so
that the wheelchair provides the fol-
lowing advantages even after a long-
er period of use:
– the safety for you and others,
– the operational readiness,
– the value conservation.
An incorrect or neglected cleaning
and maintenance results in a limita-
tion of the product liability.
Silicone free water based cleaning
agents and care products should be
used for the care of the vehicle.
– In doing so the manufacturers in-
structions are to be observed.
Do not clean the shower and toi-
let wheelchair with a high pressure
The detergent should in any case
have a PH-value of no less than 6
(neutral cleanser).
Do not use aggressive cleaning
agents e.g. solvents, or hard brush-
es etc.
Clean the upholstery with warm wa-
ter and hand washing liquid.
Spots can be removed with a sponge
or a soft brush.
Wash off persistent dirt with com-
mercial fine detergent.
Follow-up with clean water and allow
to dry.
The high quality finish ensures an
optimum of protection against corro-
For paint and chrome care the
name paint and chrome cleansers
are recommendable.
Should the coating be damaged
with scratches or similar, these ar-
eas can be touched up with our
paint pen available at the special-
ist dealer.
Slight lubrication of moving parts will
ensure for their long functioning.
Therefore observe chapter <
tenance schedule