tion whether qualified. If grounding network A and grounding net-
work B’s in parallel resistances less than engineering standard re-
quired value, so grounding network A and grounding network B are
all qualified.
3. Metal Return Circuit Connection Resistance Testing.
If grounding network A and grounding network B up and down are
connected together on the ground, then Detector measures out metal
return circuit resistance’s value is very small general speaking, only
few of an Ohm, this is the connection resistance of metal return cir-
cuit, namely equipotential resistance, isn’t grounding resistance.
Therefore the Detector is convenient to test metal return circuit’s
connection resistance, and also applied in anti-theft monitoring for
ground wire and metal cable
When the cable is cut, metal loop re-
sistance is infinite, the Detector will alarm.
In the large-scale grounding grid, such as converting station ground
connection, oil depot ground connection, building construction