List of Illustrations
2-1 880B: Standard Equipment…………………………….… 5
2-2 880B: Controls and Indicators…………………………… 6
4-1 Typical Peak Reading……………………………………… 7
4-2 Vertical Orientation – Smooth Peak Response…………..
4-3 Horizontal Orientation – Sharp Pinpointing Null……….. 8
4-4 Two Readings of Target Depth……………………………. 9
4-5 Dip Slightly and Move Slowly Across Target …………….. 9
4-6 Large Target, Not Strongly Magnetized………………….. 10
4-7 Narrow, Vertical Target, Not Strongly Magnetized……... 10
4-8 Narrow, Vertical Target, Strongly Magnetized………….. 10
4-9 Sloping, Narrow Target, Not Strongly Magnetized……… 11
4-10 Sloping, Narrow Target, Strongly Magnetized………….. 11
5-1 Replacing the 880B Receiver Batteries …………………… 11