4 .
4 . 1
Calibration and Adjustment
4 . 1 . 1 Equipment Required
The following equipment is a minimum requirement for the calibration of the
Metron Accusonic Plus.
Ultrasound Power Meter: Ohmic Instruments UPM-30
Bio-Tek Instruments UW-II
UMA Inc UMT-2A or equivalent
4 . 1 . 2 Calibration Procedure
Connect the applicator to be calibrated to either input on the Accusonic Plus.
It is recommended that treatment applicators only be attached and
removed from the unit when the power is turned OFF.
Calibration mode can only be accessed by pressing the “Timer Down” button
and “Mode” button at the same time and then turning the power ON. This will
place the unit into alignment mode (Timer will display an "F"). For the 3 MHz 5
sqcm head select “LF” using the “Timer Down” button.
The first step is to align the frequency of the selected applicator. Remove any
water, gel etc from face of the applicator and place in free air (face of applicator
not in contact with anything). Select the frequency, using the “Timer Up” button,
press the “Mode” button and wait until the power display counts from 0 to 99.
When completed the timer display will show a "P" indicating the next step, the
alignment of the applicator’s output power and contact sense control, is ready to
be undertaken. Place the applicator in the power meter.
Press the “Mode” button and adjust the applicator output power, as displayed,
using the “Power Up/Down” buttons to match the power output displayed on the
ultrasound power meter. The first calibration point takes place with a mid point
output power setting, 8 watts (1 MHz 5sqcm), 5 watts (3 MHz 5 sqcm) and 1.3
watts (3 MHz 0.75 sqcm) . When this adjustment is completed press the “Mode”
button to move on to the next power level for adjustment.
Repeat the above procedure for the other two power settings, 2 and 15 watts
(1MHz 5 sqcm), 0.3 and 2.4 watts (3MHz 0.75 sqcm) or 2 and 10 watts (3MHz 5
sqcm) then press the “Mode” button again. This will initiate the contact sense
alignment mode which automatically scans each power level for each pulse
mode to determine the contact parameters. The treatment applicator should not
be removed from the ultrasound power meter until this procedure has finished.
The calibration procedure for that particular treatment applicator is now
completed. If another applicator needs calibration repeat the above procedure.
Metron Accusonic Plus
Version 1.6
March 2002
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