All Metro Insert wood fires are packed in two heavy-duty
cartons. The ECO Insert firebox is supplied in a heavy duty
palletised carton, this carton is clearly labelled. The fascia
and door are packaged inside a smaller separate carton. This
carton is also clearly labelled to show the colour and coating
finish of the fascia and door. Metro fascia’s are coated in
either vitreous enamel or stovebright high temperature paint
Having removed the packaging and located this manual,
familiarise yourself with the illustrations on pages 2 & 3, and
proceed as detailed below.
Note: The Metro carton shows the model Metro you are about to install,
enabling you to select the appropriate model’s assembly instructions.
Metro ECO Insert
The ECO Insert firebox is supplied in a heavy duty carton and
is secured to a timber pallet. The carton is labelled to show
which model insert it is. Having removed the cardboard,
timber and polystyrene packaging and familiarised yourself
with Diagram 1 on page 2, proceed as follows
: -
• Remove from within the firebox the plastic bag containing
the bolt kit, two firebricks wrapped in a cardboard
wrapper and the top baffle assembly.
• A “spacer” washer has been pre-fitted and taped to the
top door hinge pin on the left hand side of the firebox
(Refer Inset A, Diagram 1) remove this tape.
• Take the boxed door you previously removed from the
centre of the fascia and unpack it. Taking the door in both
hands with the spindle end in your right hand and outer
face of the door facing you, attach the door to the firebox
as follows: -
- With the door in a 90 degrees open position, allow the
lower hinge pin on the bottom left hand side of the
firebox to pass into the hole provided in the bottom of
the door frame.
- Lift the door until the top of the door frame passes
over the top hinge pin, then align the hole provided on
the top face of the door frame and lower it down over
the top hinge pin.
- Take the door handle from the plastic bag and screw it
onto the door spindle by turning it clockwise.
• Unwrap the two firebricks from the cardboard wrapper
and fit the side bricks to each side of the firebox. Location
lugs are fitted to the base and rear of the firebox to retain
the side bricks in position, refer Diagram 2 this page.
• Remove the “cabinet top” which is packed inverted on
top of the firebox and fit it into position “over” the cabinet
sides as detailed in Diagram 1. Ensure the rear edge is
fitted correctly as shown Diagram 1, Inset “B”, the rear
edge of the cabinet top must fit “into” the slot provided.
Using two of the self tapping screws from the plastic bag,
secure the cabinet top in place. Note, this panel can be
fitted at two height’s. If the height of the fireplace opening
will allow, fit the cabinet top in the higher position, fit
screws from “inside” the cabinet facing out.
• Ensure the insulating blanket is in position on the top of
the cabinet.
• Remove the four speed clip nuts from the plastic bag
and fit them to the holes provided in the front edge of the
cabinet as shown in Diagram 1.
ECO Insert Fan
– In all clean air zones, the Metro ECO
Insert must be installed with Metro’s ECO Insert fan which
is a single speed, thermostatically controlled device. This
fan must be permanently wired and therefore requires the
services of a registered electrician. Fitting instructions for
the fan are supplied with the fan module.
Pre Installation
• Prior to installing your Metro fireplace insert into a fireplace
cavity, it is important that certain clearances and other
requirements are complied with as detailed below :-.
Fireplace Cavity
The chimney must be swept. Also: -
- Check for cracks and general overall condition. If repairs
are necessary, they must be carried out by a suitably
qualified person.
- Check the cavity dimensions to ensure the fireplace insert
will fit. It is usually necessary to remove the fire bricks from
the lower fireplace cavity.
- The base of the fireplace cavity on which the Metro
fireplace insert will rest must be level. If it is not, it should
be levelled using mortar.
- If an ash removal door exists in the base of the fireplace
cavity it should be sealed shut to prevent air entering the
- If a timber or combustible mantelshelf exists above the
fireplace opening, it should be a minimum distance above
the top of the Metro’s fascia, minimum distance is 340mm.
If less than the above minimum specified, a deflector or heat
shield will be required to be fitted under the mantelshelf or to
the top of the fascia.
Assembling your Metro wood fire
Diagram 2
Summary of Contents for ECO Insert
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