4. 1 Alarms
The Status LED on the WC3445 rear panel shows alarm conditions as shown below:
Figure 4.1 Rear panel LED alarms
4. 2 Troubleshooting
Step 1: Verify the power supply
Check the status LED on the right hand side of the rear panel of the unit at both ends of the
link. If either is OFF, power is not present on that unit. Check the mains connection to the
unit. If mains supply is satisfactory, we recommend that the unit be taken out of service and
returned to a repair centre. Unqualified users should not open the WC3445.
Step 2 Establish and verify the LAN links
Connect up to 4 LAN cables to the LAN ports. If the LED on the bottom left hand corner of
the RJ45 socket goes green, or flashes green, then there is a LAN connection. If the LED
remains dark, there is no LAN connection, and investigatory action should be taken on the
LAN and/or its cables.
Step 3 Establish and verify the WAN links
If there is LAN activity, then check for WAN activity by observing the green Tx and Rx LED’s
on the rear panel. If packets are being transmitted or received the LEDs will be ON. If they
are dark, there is no traffic being forwarded over the WAN link, or there is a problem with the
WAN link. This could be bit errors on the data lines, or no clocks present.
WC3445 with E3 interface - Step 3A
If the status LED is
red, first check that the
bit-switch on the base panel is
set to E3. If it is set correctly, try swapping the LINE BNC connections at that unit.
If the status LED remains red try looping the BNC connections on the unit with a short piece
of cable. If the status LED goes steady green, then the external BNC cabling is faulty. Check
for cable continuity and network connections, etc.
Status LED
No mains power present
Flashing Green
PRBS test in progress
Flashing Red
PRBS error detected
On Green
Status OK
On Red
WAN port LOS