Version 1.0
5.1.3. MB-RS version
It could be asked by the technical support.
It could be useful to send this command first to see if the communication works
Command : @SN?<$0D>
Answer : XXX<$0D>
5.1.4. Inputs/ Outputs (MB-IO modules)
It is possible to connect MB-IO modules on the MB-RS.
MB-IO modules are fitted with 8 optocoupled inputs/outputs.
The 8 outputs are similar to the « open collector PNP » type. They can be used with
an external power supply 12 to 30 VDC maximum. The maximal output current
drained by each output is 50mA
The 8 inputs represent a 2.2kOhms load connected to the 0 volt.
The inputs and outputs are isolated by optocoupler.