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DataVac Pro

A Computer Cleaning System everyone can use.

The Data-Vac "PRO" Series can handle every cleaning job in 
the electronic office. It has everything the "PRO" needs for 
complete office equipment and computer cleaning. Plus a 
toner filter system that picks up dangerous toner spills from 
laser printers and copiers and is 99.9% efficient on particles 
to .3 microns. These hi-tech vac/blowers have plenty of power 
for the toughest jobs yet are sensitive enough to pick up the 
most minute particles. Data-Vac's new Micro Cleaning Tools 
and "Snorkel" probe attachment sweep up and blow away 
trouble--fast! So, the "PRO" is perfect for cleaning, all types 
of office equipment--from micros to mainframes, laser 
printers, copiers, fax machines, disc drives, calculators, 
electronic typewriters, automatic teller machines. You name 
it, the Data-Vac Pro Series cleans it. Data-Vac is 
environmentally friendly, too! It traps and removes harmful 
pollutants before they are expelled into the atmosphere. Well-
run offices know computer downtime and repairs cost dearly. 
With Data-Vac you can keep your equipment running clean, 
all the time. Data-Vac "PRO" is inexpensive and user friendly. (1 of 2)9/27/2004 5:57:07 AM
