Connect your modem, turn it on, and verify that it is registered on the
Ricochet network. (See page 8)
Locate the Connect to Ricochet icon in your Dial-up networking
folder. Double-click the icon.
Enter your name and Ricochet password in the Connect To dialog box.
Click the Connect button in the Connect To dialog box.
Fig. 9: Connect To dialog box
You will hear a short series of ascending tones, and the blinking green light
on your modem will change to orange as your modem connects to the Inter-
Once the modem is connected, you’ll be able to use your Internet applica-
tions, like web browsers and e-mail, via the Ricochet wireless network.
•To end your Ricochet session, click the Disconnect button in the Con-
nect To dialog box, wait for the descending tones, and turn your modem
Connecting to the Internet