MIOConsole3d Session
Time display block
The Time block shows the current Session timeline region selection status.
Figure 12.16: Transport Header bar: Session Time display
All fields in this display are read-only. Each field may be independently set to display in regular HH:MM:SS
time, time with fractional seconds (HH:MM:SS.ssss), Bars & Beats or samples.
Control-click any Time display field to open a contextual menu and select a time format for that field.
Figure 12.17: Transport Header bar: Time display format options
The Time block
section displays the current ‘Start’ and ‘End’ times, and the ‘Length’ of the current
Session timeline.
Figure 12.18: Transport Header bar: Session timeline display
Session ‘Start’ is the timeline start point (usually 00:00:00.00). Support for timeline Start point offset has
not as yet been implemented.
Session ‘End’ shows the end mark location of the last audio segment in the timeline, plus 90 seconds.
Ninety seconds of empty timeline space is always maintained to provide room at the end of the timeline
UI to start a new recording set, drop in additional audio files, or as temporary holding space for audio
segments (or groups of segments) to be moved out of the way and re-inserted later.
Session ‘Length’ is the total time between Session ‘Start’ and Session ‘End’.
The Time block
section displays the Start, End and Length of the currently selected timeline Loop.
You create a loop by dragging a range in the “Loop” timeline. You can create a Mark with duration from
the current loop; go to the Session “Markers” menu and choose “Create Mark from Loop”. Markers with
duration can be used to set the the loop by right clicking on the associated arrow in the Marker List to
the right of the Session Overview.