The MIOConsole3d Application
Routing windows: [Unrouted] and [Offline]
One feature often requested by advanced users over the years has been the ability to create and/or modify
Console configurations with the boxes offline, such as on a plane between shows or tweaking configuration
templates on off hours.
To support this, the routing windows in MIOConsole3d always list the maximum possible routes support-
able by the most recent hardware configuration or the hardware configuration saved in a MIOConsoe3d
‘.cnsl3d’ state file, even when the boxes are not connected. All these routes may be routed and saved,
and when the 3d hardware is attached they become active.
This also allows you to work offline without the full complement of boxes, maintaining the full system
configuration for the next set or session.
an “Unrouted” Input channel
an “Offline” Output port
Unavailable Mixer Routes
turn Yellow
Designates a computer port route assigned to
a channel which is currently outside the I/O
configuration of that port.
The port itself is active, but the assigned
channel is currently unavailable.
Designates a route to a physically unavailable port -
usually either a 3d box that is disconnected or turned off,
or an EdgeCard that has been removed or relocated
mouse-over Tooltips
reveal the assigned route,
even when unavailable
Figure 10.101: Unavailable Routes in the Routing windows
The graphic above illustrates the two types of “Unavailable” routes and their context within the
MIOConsole3d UI.
“Unavailable” routes will show in Yellow routing button with italics text. In all cases, mouse-over Tooltips
are available to show the entire routing path.
• Routing assignments listed as
reflect channels on an active port, but which fall outside
the current I/O configuration. In the case above left, the MHLink I/O menu is set to 64 channels of
I/O, so the route from Host Input channel #67 is out of range. Switching the I/O to 128 channels
would immediately enable and connect the channel #67 route.
Another example of [Unrouted] would be an Direct Out send to channel 18 of a USB port currently
set to 24 channels In and 12 channels Out. In this case, Input channel 18 would be available, but
the USB port Output setting would need to be changed to 20 channels or higher to enable USB
output channel 18.
routes indicate a routing path that is physically not attached to the current Domain. In the
case above right, we have a Direct Out again routed to a USB port, but the route is listed as [Offline]
because that box is literally offline - either turned off or disconnected from the MHLink domain.