IFC Networking—Serial Interface Board (SIB-NET) 3
An Intelligent Fire Controller (IFC) panel requires an intelligent Serial
Interface Board (SIB-NET) to connect it to the Metasys
Intelligent Fire
Network (Fire Network or FN). The SIB-NET is the interface board that is
installed in the IFC-1010/2020 panel that, along with a Media Interface
Board (MIB), allows the IFC panel to transmit alarms and trouble events
through the FN to other network nodes (IFC panels) for display and
recording. The IFC panels also communicate over the FN to an associated
Fire-Net NCM (Network Control Module). The Fire-Net NCM in turn
provides an interface to the Metasys N1 LAN (Local Area Network) for
preprogrammed actions based on the event Changes-of-State (COS) in the
IFC panels on the FN.
The FN also allows the Fire OWS (Operator Workstation) and Intelligent
Network Annunciator (INA) to perform reset and acknowledge, and
allows the INA to perform system control functions on the IFC-1010/2020
panels that are part of the Fire Network. The SIB-NET supports all
features of the SIB-2048, including Annunciator Control System (ACS)
annunciators, printers, and CRT terminals, but requires special
IFC firmware (listed in the Software Requirements section in this
document) for FN operation.
Note: The SIB-NET does not provide a connection to Metasys via the
N2 Bus. You cannot install a SIB-2048 or a SIB-N2 in the panels
containing a SIB-NET card.
For information regarding programming the IFC-1010/2020 for use with
the SIB-NET, refer to the Programming section in this technical bulletin.