16 Conventional Products—2412AT, 2424AT, and 2424AIT Direct 4-Wire Smoke Detectors
The sounder in this detector may not work if the power is cut off for
any reason.
The sounder may not be heard. The loudness of the sounder meets or
exceeds current Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards. However,
the sounder may not alert a sound sleeper, one who has recently used
drugs, or one who has been drinking alcoholic beverages. The
sounder may not be heard if it is placed in an area which is isolated by
a closed door, located on a different floor from the person in hazard,
or placed too far away to be heard over the ambient noise such as
traffic, air conditioners, machinery, or music appliances that may
prevent alert persons from hearing the alarm. The sounder may not be
heard by persons who are hearing impaired.
Limitations of
Controls Group
FAN 408
507 E. Michigan Street
Fire Initiating Devices and Notification Appliances Technical Manual
P.O. Box 423
Printed in U.S.A.
Milwaukee, WI 53201