Intelligent Products—2251J Plug-In Low Profile Intelligent Photoelectronic Smoke Detector 13
Smoke Entry: Aerosol Generator (Gemini 501)
The Gemini model 501 aerosol generator can be used for smoke
entry testing.
Set the generator to represent 4%/ft to 5%/ft obscuration as described
in the Gemini 501 manual.
Use the bowl-shaped applicator and apply aerosol until the panel
alarms. It should alarm after 30 seconds.
A detector that fails any of these tests should be cleaned as described in
the Maintenance section of this technical bulletin and retested. If the
detector fails after cleaning, it must be replaced and returned for repair.
You can test all of the intelligent detectors programmed in the system by
issuing a command at the control panel.
This test checks:
if the detectors are communicating with the control panel
if the detectors are in the proper sensitivity range
for any detectors that are in alarm
for any detectors that are reporting a trouble condition
The test can be performed while the system is in normal operation.
The test will not sound any alarms.
Note: Check with the local authority having jurisdiction to determine
whether you must perform the individual tests on each detector or
whether the following test is acceptable in your area.
Refer to the control panel technical manual for detailed information on
testing the intelligent detectors from the control panel.
Control Panel