The metal shrinker-stretcher basically does exactly what its name implies: shrink or stretch
metal. It does this with two sets of jaws. As each one clamps down it either compresses the
metal or pulls it apart, which creates the shrinking or stretching action. In this way, the tool
actually changes the thickness of the steel, which makes part of the piece longer or shorter
depending on which jaw set is used. The dimensions of the un-worked section remains the
same, so the lengthened or shortened sections created by the tool cause the metal to deform
into a curved shape. It’s useful for creating curved corner pieces of sheet metal.
To operate the METALMASTER Shrinker Stretcher:
1. Make a template out of cardboard or a piece of wire, of the outline of the form that needs
to be produced. A good fit is essential to reduce the amount of filler that may be required
to assemble and finish the project.
2. Select and fit either the shrinking jaws or the stretching jaws.
3. If creating a flanged form, before working the material on a Metalmaster Shrinker Stretcher
bend the piece of sheet metal to 90° on a folder. (Maximum flange width is 204mm)
4. Place the material between the upper and lower jaws, and press the foot pedal, working
the leading edge first. This will breaks down the maximum resistance and permits easy and
accurate working thereafter.
5. For best results and maximum forming power, insert metal only halfway into the jaws.
6. Bunching or pocketing that typically occurs when shrinking may need to be fix with some
hammering out.
7. Control the pressure exerted on the pedal of Footplate Bar while forming the metal.
8. Move the metal back and forth until the desired radius is obtained.
9. The jaws of the tools are “toothed” to better grip the metal. These teeth leave slight
markings, depending on the hardness of the metal, and can be removed with an abrasive
cloth or wheel.
1. Wear gloves to avoid cuts that may come from material handling, during all forming
2. To avoid dulling the teeth, NEVER press the jaws together without a separator between
3. ALWAYS insert a piece of metal or other material divider between the jaws when not
in use.