Metabolic Devices 2win How To Begin Download Page 2

Start with a 1Hz triangular signal into input 1.

When the jumper on the back of the module is in place, 5v is normalled to input 2.
If the jumper is removed, 2.5v is normalled to input 2.

For additional information please visit an don’t forget to patch feedback!

how to begin

If the window size is set to minimum, a narrow pulse is output when input 1 passes the value at 
input 2. Adjust the window size to vary the width of the pulse, centered around the input value.

If input 2 is at 2.5v and our window size is 1v, the output will be high when input 1 is between 1.5v
and 3.5v.

For variation, modulate the window size with the cv input.

Attenuate the modulation signal to fine tune your expression.

Now remove the modulation source and plug it into Input 2 for a different pattern.

2win performs at all frequencies so experimenting with audio rate signals is fun too!

The signal at input 1 of the top section is inverted, then normalled to input 1 on the bottom
section to provide an alternate pulse output without needing any additional signals.



