4.2.7 Recording Settings
Network Recording
Users can save video files via FTP server by setting FTP recording condition beforehand.
FTP Recording Conditions:
You can store the video files by one of the modes including Schedule recording, recording triggered by Alarm Input, or
recordings triggered by Motion detection.
Figure 4 - 25: Recording Condition Settings
FTP Server:
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is used as a service component to transfer files by simply entering the FTP IP address or
hostname, the Login ID and password with port.
• FTP Sever: Input a FTP server name.
• Login ID: Input a user name with privilege to access the server.
• Password: Input the password associated with Login ID.
• Port: Set “21” as default or change to dedicated number.
Schedule Recording to FTP:
• Determine the scheduled recording condition: OFF, All Day, Schedule 1, or Schedule 2 during 24/7.
Figure 4 - 26: Schedule Period Settings
• Post-event Image Interval (sec): Set a time interval from 5 to 120 seconds for recording images.
• File Name Prefix: To manually input a name prefix for data.
• Server Path: Set the desired path where the data is to be stored on the server.