Network Camera User’s Guide
To enable or disable the PPPoE service here.
User name:
Type the user name for the PPPoE service which is provided by the ISP.
Type the password for the PPPoE service which is provided by the ISP.
IP address, Subnet mask, and Gateway (read only):
Shows the IP information got from PPPoE server site.
Shows the Status of PPPoE connection. Streaming
RTSP is a streaming control protocol, and a starting point for negotiating transports such as
RTP, multicast and Unicast, and for negotiating codecs. RTSP can be considered a "remote
control" for controlling the media stream delivered by a media server. RTSP servers typically
use RTP as the protocol for the actual transport of audio/video data.
RTSP Port:
Choose the RTSP port. The RTSP protocol allows a connecting client to start a video stream.
Enter the RTSP port number to use. The default value is 554.
RTP Port:
Specify the range of transmission port number of video stream. The default range is 50000 to
50999. User can specify a number between 1024 and 65535.