Some purists like to run the MASTER all the way up and raise the GAIN until they reach their desired sound–the
thinking there being that this achieves the “purest” sound. The belief is this resembles removing the control
altogether from the signal path, and in a way it does. However, most all the “vintage non-master” amplifiers
have discrete resistors in that place in the circuit anyway to adjust or “tune” the output of the preamp to the
power section’s sensitivity.
The MASTER is nothing more than a variable resistor that offers an infinite range of settings possibilities be-
tween the preamp and power section, which makes the amplifier many times more versatile with basically no
sonic penalty. The main difference being perhaps the carbon element in the pot might have slightly different
characteristics than a given fixed resistor. That said, not only do we test for that and choose the best sound-
ing resistive element material, but also, it’s hard to fairly determine what the difference might be, as playing
volume affects how the amp (and speakers) respond and impart their signatures to shape your perception of
those qualities at a given volume.
If you prescribe to the above old school approach, then, by all means, use the MASTERS in this way... it won’t
hurt the amplifier. However, realize that you may be severely limiting the sounds you can achieve by removing
the limitless great-sounding combinations of GAIN and MASTER settings.
VERY high settings of the Master combined with high output pickups can potentially overload the input
of the IR circuitry, causing unwanted distortion. If you notice some unpleasant clipping at the IR Output with
the Masters high or all the way up, turn the Master down until it goes away and readjust the Input Trim Level
on your interface or console to make up the gain difference.
This 2-position mini toggle allows the selection of one of two different power ratings. The upper position runs
both EL84s in Pentode wiring for approximately 25 watts of power. The lower position on the toggle provides
a low-power setting in which the two power tubes run in Triode wiring and produce approximately 10 watts of
power. Each of these power settings has its own tonal character as well, and this provides yet another way to
shape and color your sounds.
25 watts (Full Power) produces the biggest sound and most girth, most accurately tracking low end response
and fullness in the lower mid-range that speaks with authority and punch. 25 Watts is also capable of the loud-
est clean headroom and sheer output volume in the overdrive Modes. Soloing in the 25 Watt setting will deliver
the most authority, dynamic sensitivity, and sonic width, so we like it best when it’s time to shine, especially in
dense mixes recorded and/or live.
10 watts reconfigures the power tube wiring to Triode style, which is a more vintage configuration that pro-
duces less power and is associated with a sweeter, smoother transition to clipping and, some feel, a warmer
sound. Here it is included for its reduced wattage and therefore lower volume capability, as much as for its
tonal characteristics. The 10 Watt setting allows you to drive the power tubes into clipping more easily should
that be desirable and incorporate even more of their character into your sounds in the Modes.
The reduced wattage comes with some tradeoffs, and the first you will likely notice is a reduced tightness in
the low end, potentially affecting its accuracy in tracking. For heavy sounds, especially those used for very
precise rhythmic parts, the 25 Watt/Full Power setting will be a better match.
If you are recording or simply enjoying the Badlander in your home for more classic rock sounds and other
styles where tight tracking low end isn’t the priority, and you don’t need high volume levels, the more traditional
side of the first two Modes is potentially enhanced by the Triode operation of the tubes. CLEAN wound up,
and CRUNCH set somewhere on the lower 2/3 of its GAIN range both reveal really cool, more traditional-gain
classic rock, nu-country, and even blues sounds in the lower 10 watt setting.
This 2-position toggle switch controls the delivery of the AC Mains power to the amplifier. Make sure your in-