Prepayment function
When the user had his meter account opened and charged and the credit in the meter is not
enough for one charge (deduct), the relay will disconnect. In this situation, user can activate the
overdraft function: push the white button on keyboard or the scroll button on the meter for 3s to
Once this function is activated successfully, meter LCD will show the overdraft credit for 2s (configu-
rable through a PC software or keyboard). Or the LCD will show “xx Reject”, which means overdraft
function was rejected.
When meter is in overdraft mode (remaining credit less than 0), it will record the energy used in
this mode. When overdraft mode is over, the recorded under overdraft will reset. Next time in over-
draft mode the meter will record again. If the overdraft amount was used up and status is not in
the friendly hours, the meter is not allowed to access power any more.
The weeks/days remaining credit could support
The utility can set the threshold for the 2 grades of alarm for the remaining weeks/days through PC
software. Unit: Weeks/Days
When the remaining days are less than the first grade alarm threshold, the red credit indicator led
will flicker and the relay will disconnect to remind the user to recharge. The meter will trigger a
sound alarm.
Calculation of remaining days: based on the last 7 days consumption, the meter will use the ave-
rage value of last seven days to calculate the balance days the credit will last. If the total consump-
tion of last 7 days are 0 and credit >0, the remaining days will be “9999”. If the remaining credit is
< 0, the remaining days will be 0.
LCD description
xxxxxx.xx Credit $ or other
Overdraft activated, and indicates the relevant credit for 2s
01 Reject
Overdraft has been activated before
02 Reject
No need to activated overdraft.
03 Reject
The meter did not get the account opened, overdraft will not be allowed
SS Reject
Overdraft has not been activated before, but the meter is in negative number debt status,
which is higher than overdraft amount. Overdraft not allowed.
Or, under the condition, remaining credit=0, overdraft amount=0 and user attempts to
activate overdraft function