1. Introduction
The purpose of this manual is to provide dealers and/or distributors with
the product information and instructions that are required for servicing the
P321 powerchair.
2. Service guide
The P321 powerchair consists of three main parts:
Seat assembly
Body assembly
Electrical system (Please refer to P3 series Shark or VR2 service
2.1. How to replace or repair the seat assembly
The seat assembly includes the seat body, the seat base plate, seat post
and the left/right armrest.
2.1.1. To replace the seat body
When should you replace the seat body?
If the seat body is worn out.
If the seat body is pierced or scratched by something.
If the powerchair crashed cause the seat body out of shape.
How to replace the seat body?
Please proceeding steps as follows if it has to replace.
Replace the seat body by the following steps if it is broken.
Pull the seat upward.
Use hex tools to loosen four pieces hex fixed bolt (4.22) on
seat base plate assembly and remove the seat body from the
seat base plate assembly if it is broken.