TE9000 / 93000 Service
Place a lever between the camshaft and axle beam close to the cam head
bearing and lever up and down to detect free play (fig. 9). This should not
be more than ±0.5mm at the bush (the amount at the lever will depend
on the lever length so discretion and judgement is required).
Similarly place the lever between the axle and cam shaft close to the
spline end bearing and lever up and down checking for similar play as the
cam head bearing.
If the play is excessive this suggests wear is present in the bearings or the
camshaft journals and both should be replaced as necessary.
Remove the clevis pin connecting the slack adjuster to the brake chamber
and rotate the slack adjuster out of the clevis by turning the adjusting nut.
Unfasten the circlip locating the slack adjuster. Slide the packing
washers, rubber boot and slack adjuster off the camshaft.
The camshaft can be removed along with the bearings with the hub
assembly in place using the key hole slot in the anchor bracket to allow
the cam head to pass through it. To proceed in this manner, unfasten the
M10 retaining screws securing the head and spline end bearings to the
brackets (figs 11 and 12). Guiding the head pull the cam head backwards
through the slot and pull the camshaft and bearings away from the axle
(fig. 13).
Unfasten the tie wraps securing the rubber boots.
Slide the spline end bearing and rubber boots off the camshaft and tap the
head end bearing along the body of the camshaft. Note it can be difficult
to remove the cam head bearing over the paint on the camshaft so some
paint may need to be removed using a wire brush.
An alternative method of removal when the hub assembly is not fitted is
to tap the camshaft through the bearings, first releasing the tie wraps
securing the rubber boots, striking the spline end hard with a soft mallet
initially to release the spring clip (fig. 10). The camshaft can then be fully
removed from the axle by pulling outwards. Once the camshaft is
removed the bearings can be removed from the axle by unfastening the 4
x M10 screws (figs 11 and 12) from each bearing.
FIG. 9
FIG. 10
FIG. 11