SmartGauge/2110P (v5.00). (c)Copyright 2010 Meriam Instrument.
SetPoint model. Sensor = 200.0 inH2O;
Notice! Changing any value will PAUSE Gauge Operation,
which will also pause updates to the outputs and display.
Current Full Scale: 200.0 inH2O @ 20 Deg C.
1) inH2O 4) KPa 7) cmH2O 0) User Units
2) PSI 5) mBar 8) inHg
3) KGcm2 6) Bar 9) mmHg
A) P0, LockOut Code = Disabled
B) P2, Damp Rate = 0.1 Seconds (Disabled)
C) P3, Dens. H20 Ref = 20 Deg C.
D) P4, User FullScale= 1234.0000
E) P5, SetPoint Ctrl = Both Enabled
F) P6, SET1 = 30.0000 inH2O
G) P7, SET2 = 4.0000 inH2O
H) P8, Dead Band = 0.5 % Full Scale
J) ReZero Gauge
K) Restore Factory Zero
X) EXIT Interactive Menu
Select Choice:
When the gauge is powered up or reset, it will print the menu to the serial port. Also, hitting the
ENTER key from the terminal will refresh/reprint the menu. If the terminal is not connected when the
gauge first prints the menu, it will be missed; thus, if the terminal is connected after the gauge is
already running, it will show nothing. Pressing the ENTER key will establish communications and re-
print the menu.
Use of the serial port service is independent of the mode of the gauge, and vice versa. It is not
necessary to change to
Program Mode
to use any of the menu’s features, including changing
Engineering Units, editing programmable registers, and re-zeroing. The gauge continues its active
operation regardless of the serial port service, except for the pausing explained in the next paragraph.
Any keypad activity from the front panel of the gauge will also be processed regardless of the serial
port status. If entries are made through the keypad and the serial port simultaneously, the last entry
received will be active.
While the serial port is actually transferring data, the other functions of the gauge are paused to allow
this task to complete. In this paused state, the display is frozen and the outputs are not updating.
Typically, the data transfers are very short (for example, printing the menu), and thus the interruption
is minimal. However, selecting a programmable register for edit will completely stop normal gauge
operation, because the gauge is awaiting the operator’s input (data value or selection from a sub-
menu). During this state, the display is blanked to prevent mis-readings. As soon as the operator
selection or entry is complete, the gauge resumes normal operation.