Merging Technologies
Le Verney 1070 Puidoux Switzerland
T : +41 21 946 04 44
F : +41 21 946 04 45
For the long term, the move of our applications to a 64 bit operating system will provide a very
solid platform to accommodate the ever growing project size requirements of some of our users.
We are extremely committed to this move but we do need to be clear that it will not be a short
term solution; current plans put such a move around 12 months away from today and potentially
towards 2011.
Timeline and Realtime Sampling Rate Conversion: clicks may occur when doing playback or
mixdown in a region where 2 overlapping clips reference the same media with different sampling rate
than project.
Workaround: Convert those Medias to the project's sampling rate, prior to using such a workflow.
Cannot use DiscWrite with Pyramix v6.2 or V6.2SP2:
Workaround: Re-install Pyramix (maybe run clean up after un-installing Pyramix) or Re-install the
Gear driver. Prior to re-installing such drivers use the Gear Removal Utility below.
Gear Removal Utility:
Find other Gear links that may be useful to determine if the drivers are installed and functioning
correctly and other tips:
Gear Driver Status:
Gear Known Issues:
ADR keyboard is by default disabled. To enable it you must download and run the proper Registry
Multiple projects opened simultaneously: We do not recommend users to have more than 8 project
opened at the same time (due to GDI object limitation).
Waveforms: Since Pyramix V6.1 the new waveform file format is PK2, such a PK2 waveform file
cannot be read in previous Pyramix version and in such a case waveforms will have to be re-
generated. On the other side previous waveforms format PK files (Pyramix V6.0 and older) are
compatible with Pyramix V6.1 & V6.2.
The Render Tool will create a temp file for the CEDAR and Nova v0.99 in C:\ Be aware that Merging
cannot change the Temp file patch of such third party Render.
Third Party Plug-ins
Algorithmix ReNOVAtor for Pyramix: We recommend users to download the latest version available
on their site.
Cedar: Install issue on certain Vista configurations where you might not see the Cedar plug-ins after
the installation process. The problem is due to erroneous referencing of the license manager utility on
a vista machine. Please contact Merging Support or Cedar Support for all details and workaround.
Cedar: Some toolbar icons might be missing if on a Windows XP system. Workaround: Disable the
Skin option in Pyramix>settings>Desktop Layout.
Altiverb: We recommend users to download the latest version available on the Audio Ease site.
MP3, AC3 Files and other compressed formats support:
Default Windows installation should handle most of the common compressed file formats. In case of
problem with the default Widows Installation, Merging has a list of recommended third-party codecs
but will not certify any codecs.
Vista users warning: UAC (User Account Control) can be blocking the “Essentials Codec Pack” at
startup. If this is the case, you should see once logged into your session at the windows bottom bar a
“Windows has blocked some programs” message. You can then unblock it from there or deactivate
UAC from the Windows Control Panel.
No need to install the previous mp3 beta handler since it is by default part of the Pyramix V6.1 & V6.2 installers.