02 4047 0777
02 4047 0788
MerCs Pty Ltd, 55 Pendlebury Rd, Cardiff, NSW, 2285, Australia | 2018 V1.1
Multi-parameter Measurements
Up to 63 rd THD and IHD
RS485 Modbus RTU
Accuracy Class 0.5s
Bar Graph for Power Indication
Backlit LCD Display for Full Viewing
Push-in Installation and Plug-in
RJ12 CT Connection (333mV)
1. Features
Strider M72
The multifunction energy analyzer Strider M72 is a top new-generation intelligent panel meter, used not only in the electricity transmission and
power distribution system, but also in the power consumption measurement and analysis in high voltage intelligent power grid.
This document provides operating, maintenance and installation instructions for the MerCs Strider M72. The unit measures and displays the char-
acteristics of 1p2w, 3p4w and 3p3w supplies, including voltage, frequency, current, power and active and reactive energy, imported or exported,
Harmonic, Power factor, Max. Demand etc. Energy is measured in terms of kWh, kVArh and kVAh. Maximum demand current can be measured over
preset periods of up to 60minutes.
In order to measure energy, the unit requires voltage and current inputs in addition to the supply required to power the product. The requisite
current input(s) are obtained via current transformers. The Strider M72 can be configured to work with a wide range of CTs, giving the unit a wide
range of operation. Built-in interfaces provides RS485 Modbus RTU communication.
The unit uses plug-in terminals for easy wiring and push-in mechanism for quick installation.
2. Description
User Manual
3. Technical Data
Type of measurement
RMS including harmonics on three phase AC system (3P, 3P+N) 128 samples per cycle
Measurement accuracy
IEC 61557-12 Class 0.5
Active Energy
IEC 62053-22 Class 0.5S, IEC 61557-12 Class
Reactive Energy
IEC62053-23 Class 2, IEC 61557-12 Class 2
Power Factor
Harmonic Distortion
Electrical characteristics