Maintenance Booklet
Description of Emission System Maintenance Jobs
The composition of exhaust emissions is
influenced not only by the special emission
control equipment, but also by various en-
gine components and their adjustments.
Therefore, emission system maintenance
must include these engine components.
Some maintenance jobs are actually only
tests. They are important however, be-
cause they allow early detection of dis-
crepancies which can later lead to
increased exhaust emissions. It is general-
ly less expensive to have such items ad-
justed immediately rather than allowing
them to contribute to costly repairs. The
maintenance intervals have been deter-
mined so that the vehicle, under normal
conditions, should operate properly be-
tween services.
0101 Engine oil and filter change
Change the engine oil and oil filter every
10,000 miles. If oil consumption should in-
crease, determine the cause and take nec-
essary corrective steps. Reset the
Maintenance System counter.
0980 Replace air filter element
Under normal dust conditions, replace air
filter element approximately every 20,000
miles or 2 years. Clean air filter cover and
housing prior to removal of air filter ele-
0780 Replace fuel filter
Replace the fuel filter approximately every
60,000 miles or 4 years.
1351 Check engine poly-V-belt condi-
The poly-V-belt is subject to wear and ag-
ing. It must be checked for cracks and
wear at every service. Replace poly-V-belt
if necessary.
1580 Replace spark plugs
Spark plugs are subject to electrode ero-
sion and must be replaced according to
schedule on page 60, or more frequently
as may be required when subject to severe
operating conditions.