DMU380ZA Series
User’s Manual
Doc# 7430-3810 Rev. 02
Page 42
limits that control the sensor over-range bit in the diagnostic status register (Table 23); if
the system undergoes motion that exceeds this limit, the over-range bit is set. The default
scaling is 125.0°/sec; to change the scaling to 62.5°/sec, the master sends 0xB901.
The rate sensor dynamic range selection maps to a bit-weight scale factor as defined in
Table 28.
Table 28 Rate-Sensor Scaling Factor
Dynamic Range
Scale Factor
400 LSB/( °/sec )
200 LSB/( °/sec )
100 LSB/( °/sec )
The digital low-pass filter register sets the type and cutoff frequency of the filter applied
to the scaled sensor data. The default setting is a 5 Hz Bartlett filter; to switch to a 20 Hz
Butterworth filter, the master sends 0xB840. Figure 14 describes the output response of
the different Bartlett filter settings.
Figure 14 DMU380ZA Bartlett Filter Response
On models with magnetometers and AHRS or INS algorithms (INS380ZA and
AHRS380ZA), the system is capable of compensating for the hard-iron bias and soft-iron
scaling of the mounting environment. Once found, the values are used by the Kalman
filter algorithm to compensate the heading for the magnetic environment. A complete