DMU380ZA Series
User’s Manual
Doc# 7430-3810 Rev. 02
Page 8
Theory of Operation
This section of the manual covers detailed theory of operation for each member of the
DMU380ZA Series starting with the basic IMU380ZA and then reviewing each major
variant (VG, AHRS and INS) with their associated additional features, outputs, and
performance. Table 5 shows the basic features of each member of the DMU380ZA Series
with cross references to important sections for review.
Table 5 DMU380ZA Series Overview
Learning More
Roll, Pitch
9-DOF IMU (3-Axis Internal Magnetometer)
Roll, Pitch, and Heading
9-DOF IMU (3-Axis Internal Magnetometer and external
GPS Receiver)
Position, Dynamic Velocity, Roll, Pitch, and Heading
Read 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5
Figure 3 shows the DMU380ZA Series hardware block diagram. At the core of the
DMU380ZA Series is a rugged 6-DOF (Degrees of Freedom) MEMS inertial sensor
cluster that is common across all members of the DMU380ZA Series. The 6-DOF MEMS
inertial sensor cluster includes three axes of MEMS angular rate sensing and three axes of
MEMS linear acceleration sensing. These sensors are based on rugged, field proven
silicon bulk micromachining technology. Each sensor within the cluster is individually
factory calibrated using MEMSIC’s automated manufacturing process. Sensor errors are
compensated for temperature bias, scale factor, non-linearity and misalignment effects
using a proprietary algorithm from data collected during manufacturing. Accelerometer
and rate gyro sensor bias shifts over temperature (-40
C to +71
C) are compensated and
verified using calibrated thermal chambers and rate tables.
The 6-DOF inertial sensor cluster data is fed into a high speed signal processing chain,
which provides the sensor compensation and digital filtering. The processor also
calculates attitude and navigation data for the appropriate models (VG, AHRS and INS).
Measurement data packets are available at fixed continuous output rates or on a polled
basis from the SPI port or the UART port. The SPI port outputs data via registers, and
the user can perform polled reads of each register, or a block burst read of a set of
predefined registers. Output data over the SPI port can be synchronized to an external 1
KHz pulse. Alternatively, users can input a 1 PPS signal from an external GPS receiver
when providing external GPS data over the secondary UART2 port. The complete SPI
interface is defined in Section 4. The UART port outputs data packets are asynchronous
and defined in Sections 5-7. As shown in the block diagram (Figure 3), the INS380ZA
and AHRS380ZA include an internal 3-axis magnetometer.