Using the Printer
Display last job page
count when printer is
When selected, the number of labels printed will be displayed on the front panel
until the next print job starts.
Disable COM port
When selected, the printer will ignore or not transmit signals through the COM
port, which is used mainly for debugging.
Disable Input sensor
detection while printing
When selected, the printer will ignore the input sensor.
This feature is useful to prevent the printer from incorrectly recognizing the end
of the media roll, which may happen when the media has a thick liner that makes
gap or black mark detection difficult.
Enable blank page after
every job in multiple
job queue
When selected, the printer will not print on the first label when starting each job
in the multiple job queue.
Enable advanced end of
roll handling
Select this option to allow the following when printing roll to roll:
When the printer encounters the end of the roll with a printed label in the cutter
module, the printer will pause to allow the user to release the media from the
core. Then the printer will cut and eject the remaining media from the printer
when the user presses the Eject button on the control panel.
Advanced media check
When selected, the printer will check the media roll and report an error if the
media is not correct for the print job.
Disable media cut while
cancelling a job
(Multiple Job Queue)
When selected, the printer does not cut the media if a job is cancelled in a
multiple job queue.
Disable label length
check when loading a
new label stock
When selected, the printer does not check the label length when a new media
roll is loaded.
Table 7
EWS: Advanced Settings 1 (continued)
EWS Page