Melles Griot 13 PDC 001/IEEE Operator'S Manual Download Page 20

Summary of Contents for 13 PDC 001/IEEE

Page 1: ...Universal Optical Power Meter 13 PDC OOl IEEE Operator s Manual...

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Page 3: ...s Manual UniversalOptical Power Meter 13 PDC OOIAEEE A p r i l 1995 9072 9800 1 B CopyrightMelles Griot AU rightsreserved 4665Nautilus Court South Boulder Co 80301 800 326 4363 303 581 0337 Fax 303 5...

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Page 5: ...ange 6 Spectral Range 6 Spectral Range 6 Operating Modes 6 LCD Display 6 Analog Meter 6 GPlB Interface 6 Analog Monitor Output 6 TIAGain VIA 7 Generaland Environmental 7 Dimensions 7 Weight 7 Temperat...

Page 6: ...BNCAnalog Output Connector 12 System Operation Front Panel Keys 13 Introduction 13 FactoryDefault Power Up 13 Unit Serial Number Revision and Errors 13 Connected DetectorStatus Information 14 Default...

Page 7: ...lection 24 Minimumand MaximumFixedRanges 26 FixedRange Frequency Response 26 Setup 27 Main Setup Screen 27 Display Menu 28 Wavelength Reference 31 Optical Filter INIOUT 32 Additional Beam PathAttenuat...

Page 8: ...ntCommands 46 9 1 6 Configuration Control Commands 47 9 1 7 User DefinedSensor Calibration 50 9 1 8 Triggered Operation 52 9 1 9 Data Buffer Retrieval 52 13 PDC 001 ErrorCodes 54 Suggestions on Power...

Page 9: ...nsmade herein or for incidental special or consequentialdamages of any nature resultingfiom the hrnishing of this manual or operation and performance of equipment in connectionwith this manual 0 Copyr...

Page 10: ...etectorswith responsivitiesbetween 300and 2000nrn and canmeasurepower levelsfrom 5 picowattsto 2 watts The associated detector assemblies are equippedwith a cableresident programmable memorythat store...

Page 11: ...rizontal Theunit has provisionsfor input power operationfiom 90 125VAC and 200 24OVAC Sixprimary detectorconfigurationsareavailable Silicon 400 1100nrn and germaniumdetectors 800 1800nm are availablei...

Page 12: ...fuse values We regret that the fusevalues were printed in error Please make the followingcorrectionsto the manual mELLES6 1 1 0 i9072 98001Rev B 1001120VAC Fuses 0 25A 5x20mrn SB 111 218 250 2201240V...

Page 13: ...served when handling and using the 13PDHdetectorheads Thepost mountable siliconand germanium detectorheads 13 PDH 001 and 101 comeequipped w i t h an attenuatingfilter When inserted in fiont of the de...

Page 14: ...ombinations 13PDH003 103 005 and 1 0 5 The spectralcalibrationof the integrating spherescan be degraded if the sphereis dented as a result of being dropped or if objects or contaminantsget inside of t...

Page 15: ...oupledtrueRMS Peak or Peak to Peak Section 8 1 1describesthese operatingmodes in detail Power rangesonlyavailablewithcalibratedheadinstalled LCD Display 64 x 192pixel EL backlit Power is displayed in...

Page 16: ...y givenpower setting is dependentonthe calibrationfactor inampsper watt ofthedetectorattachedtothe 13PDC 001 General and Environmental Dimensions 191 7 5 W x 1331nm 5 25 H x 108mm 4 2S1 D Weight 2 5Kg...

Page 17: ...layResolution Display Bandwidth Mi NIST Calibration A 9 5nW 2W P W 5nW 100 4 digits lOW5lcI IZ No Atten f3 Atten f4 d a 250pW d a d a d a 2nW d a n a 1OuW 1W lOnW lOuW 100 4 digits 10Hz 25kHz f 5 4 di...

Page 18: ...alog monitor output and the optionalIEEE 488 interface The current oma photodiode operatinginthe photoconductive mode provides the input signal Thephotodiodeis operatedwith zero reverse bias to elimin...

Page 19: ...024 samplesforupdating the analog meter and in blocks of 16 384 samplesforupdating theLCD display Using calibration informationand operator inputs the microprocessorgeneratesthe desired displayinforma...

Page 20: ...n4 2 4 arebased on that value as a new zero reference Thiskey will have an effecton the analog meter in eitherthe Modulation or Deviation mode sinceit establishes or removes a zero referencepoint with...

Page 21: ...r This is a standardIEC 320inputpower connector 5 2 4 A C Power Selector Thistwo position switchisused to setthe kc inputvoltage Refer to section2 Precautions to setthe correct voltage 5 2 5 BNCAnalog...

Page 22: ...splayed by the 1 3 PDC 001 The screenw i l l remain visible until a key is pressed by the user or an IEEE 488 commandis received if so equipped by the instrument The screenprovides informationin two c...

Page 23: ...PDH detectorassembly If no detector assemblyhad been sensed by the instrument the bottom half ofthe screenwould be blank Sincethe instrumentwill accept diierent detectorhead assemblies the bottom hal...

Page 24: ...option is installed unit configurationmay also be donevia the IEEE 488 interface The displaywill alwaysupdateto showcurrent instrumentconfiguration 6 3 1 Additional ExternalAttenuation The upper left...

Page 25: ...the beampath The status of the filter is retained in nonvolatile memory and included in the setup each time theunit is powered up Specifjingthe presence ofthe calibratedattenuatingfilteris discussedin...

Page 26: ...780nm Out 1 0 m W 4 3kHz t o Range 6 3 4 1 13 PDC 001 iEEE 488status I f the 13PDC 001 is equippedwiththe IEEE 488 option the screenwillindicatethe status of the interfaceon the right portion of the L...

Page 27: ...nd is restoredwhen the unit is powered up 6 3 6 RearPanel BNCOutput Transfer Function R t t 00 0 F i l t e r OUT NULL OFF 3 668 kii Meter XDeu a 780nm Out 10 mWIU 3kHz R u t Range I I 6 3 6 1 Rear Pan...

Page 28: unit status and information asdescribedin section 7 1 11 6 3 8 ElectricalBandwidth Filter lndication l tt 00 84 Filter OUT NULL OFF 1 Meter Mod A 780nm Out 10 mWfU 30 Hz Ruto Range 6 3 8 1 13 PDC...

Page 29: ...yedbelow the units i n inversevideo Thefactorydefaultstateof the 13PDC 001 is AveragePower in Watts If anuncalibrated head or user supplied photodiodeis connected the 13PDC001will display averagecurre...

Page 30: ...and manual ranging canbe found in section 7 6 3 12 IndicatorUpdates All indicatorsdescribed in section5 3 areautomaticallyupdated wheneverthe user changes an instrument settingfrom eitherthe fiont pan...

Page 31: ...eitherthe manual or automaticmode of operation the displayed digitswillflashto indicatethat the input signalis saturatingthe instrument Theuser must select a higher range if the instrumentisin the Fix...

Page 32: ...viewing power levels Figure 7 3 1 1 illustratesa display presentedby pressingthe Range key when the 13PDC 001was in the Auto mode of operation The current mode Auto is presentedin inversevideo and to...

Page 33: ...n the keywas pressed In addition the actual rangeis presented in inversevideo indicatingthat the range isnow user confgurablewithin hardwareconstraintsof the instrument Wheneverthe 13PDC 001is inthe F...

Page 34: ...ring a saturated input signal As stated in section 7 1 the numeric displaywillbe flashingto indicatethe over range condition Sincethe 13PDC001is in the Fixed mode the instrumentwillnot attempt to find...

Page 35: ...e responsivity externalfilter data and externalattenuation specified will be ignored but any input null o m g must still be accounted for If the null isnot a factor theminimum input rangewill be 100pA...

Page 36: ...onsarerequired oncethe values are establishedby the user Situationssuchasthese are described in this section asthey arise 8 1 Main Setup Screen Meter Deu A 780nm BackLite ON Filter OUT LCD NORM Rtt 0...

Page 37: ...nt These three choicesmay be selectedwhen the display menu is present by pressingthe H keyuntil the desired unit is displayedin inverse video Note i fanuncalibrateddetectoriscarmectedtothe 13 PDC001 a...

Page 38: ...k to Pea k Measure RMS Pwr W value 8 1 1 2 RMS signal measurement type Selecting RMS causesthe 13 PDC 001to evaluate sampled data by taking the RMS value of the overallD C s i p 1value and displayingt...

Page 39: ...est singledata points collectedin each of 16 equalintervals of the sampleperiod Noisy signal inputsmay cause rapidly changingdisplays Measure Units dBm Current Measure Type Rverage RMS RC RMS Peak Mea...

Page 40: ...s based on that wavelengthwith the calibrated photodetector attached to it The Select key must bepressedfor the 13PDC 001to acceptthe value and recomputeinput current vs responsivity and existing atte...

Page 41: ...tionis displayed in inversevideo while both choicesarevisible Fiter calibrationinformationis wavelength based the 13PDC001willtakewavelengthinto accountwhen the Filter is s p d e d to be inthe IN posi...

Page 42: ...0 0 If additionalattenuationhas been specified this value is retrieved and used on subsequentinstrument power ups The Select key must bepressed before the 13PDC 001will evaluatethe amount of external...

Page 43: ...ay isvisible the H key allowstheuser to scrollamongthe 3 choices If the item was selected accidentally and theuser desiresto abort the Sebup key will return to themain display or either the or 4 key w...

Page 44: ...s basic informationabout each setup To recall a desired setup press the Select key when that setupishighlighted inversevideo If that setup isvalid the 13 PDC 001will immediatelyretrievethe stored info...

Page 45: ...lutely sureyou wish to erase the stored information there areno areyou sure prompts If you do not wish to erase any stored configuration information press Setup to return to the main display screen 8...

Page 46: ...t reference D C baseline set SettingNULL mode activewill automaticallyproduce 100 modulation sincethe referenceis setto ACLo Inthe Deviation mode hctory default the meter indicatesDC power or current...

Page 47: BackLiteV tom the SETUPmenu will produce the display asillustrated in figure 8 1 8 1 Any arrowkey th will togglethe backlight betweenON and OW After settingthe backlight to the desired state press...

Page 48: ...lyto instrumentsnot equippedwiththe optionalIEEE 488 interface If theunitisNOT equippedwiththe interface themenuoptionillustratedinfigure8 1 10 1willbepresent but a Optionnot installedH messagewill ap...

Page 49: ...r ENTERis pressed and if within legallimitsimmediately changesits communication addressto that setting The address settingis kept aspart of power upmemory and doesnot need to be changed once set After...

Page 50: ...veillustratesthe Statusflnfo screen In essence it is the same displaypresented on initial power up If there are no errorsdetected pressing anykey will return the instrumentto the main display If any e...

Page 51: ...d singly queriesmust be sent singly Althoughcommand structureshave been kept as short as possible somedisciplinemust be exercisedwhen sendingcommands Thisis particularlytrue when sending unrelated mul...

Page 52: ...the 13PDC 001 or transmitted fiom the 13 PDC 001 will be echoed to the screen Figure 8 1 2 1illustrates a simpleexample I I I IRx wavc resp 635 Tx 0 4182 FIJW 9 1 2 1 13 PDC 001 received message scree...

Page 53: ...SE Event StatusEnable Mowstheprogrammerto determinethe contentsof the StandardEvent StatusEnableRegister SR EventStatusRegister Query Allowsthe programmerto determinethe currentcontentsof the Standard...

Page 54: ...r 1 Calibrationlost WAI Wait to Continue Preventsthe 13 PDC 001f r o mexecutingany further commandsor queriesuntil theNo Operation Pendingflag istrue 9 1 4 SCPl Status Commands The following Status Co...

Page 55: ...s It is possible to slowthe 13PDC001 responseto a MEAS command operationdownto anunwanted point especiallyif mathematicallyintensivemeasurementtypes RMSvalues in particular have been established Condi...

Page 56: ...apercentage 10O0hmenuationis not allowed If an uncalibrateddetectorhead or nodetectorhead isattached this commandisignoredby the 13PDC001 and error 313 Sensor uncalibrated isplacedin the error queue B...

Page 57: ...e PlXedM or AUTO mode dgain selection The insbumentm u s tbe inthe Fixed mode of operationfor any RANG commandstobe effective MEASmTYPE MODE ValidMODES 0 or AVG 1 DCRMS or RMS 2 or ACRMS 3 or PEAK 4 o...

Page 58: returned SYSTem GPIB ADDRess Value maybebetween 1and 15 This commandimmediately changesthe 13PDC001G P I Ba d h tothe value specified Thisvalue willnot changeif W T isissued overthe GPIBbus later b...

Page 59: ...300points the 13 PDC 001will overwritetheexistingdatapoint nearestthewavelengthentered A data areabecomesusable oncet w oorm o r e data pointshavebeen entered Onedatapoint is not considered usable USE...

Page 60: ...argumentis supplied theunit will reply withthe reqmnsivitydataforthatpoint The 13PDC 001 storesdatapoints in ascendingorderofwavelength Thepoint data returned therefore may not be intheactualorderthat...

Page 61: ...e ABORT command t h e 13 PDC 001will ceaserecognizingthe GET command MultipleABORT commandswill not produce an error TRIGger MODE Valid MODES ON OFF Thiscommandis equivalenttothe aboveARM andABORtcomm...

Page 62: ...192points The last point databyte provided is accompaniedwiththeEOIhardwaresignal to indicate the endoftransmission NOTE It is advisabletoplace the 13 PDC001 intheFIXED gainmodeof operationpriortousin...

Page 63: ...AS POW to be placed in the error queue to assist the programmer in determining whetherthe instrumentresponded with no errors Sincethe 13PDC 001 can be configuredwith a wide variety of attached sensors...

Page 64: ...follows 0 No Errors 100 CommandError 102 SyntaxError 108 Pararneternot allowed 108 Parameterignored 109 MissingParameter 113 UndefinedHeader l20 Numeric data error 141 Invalid string data 148 Charact...

Page 65: ...r closing etc it can be removed fiomthe measurementby using the null mode Another importantaspect of accuratepower measurements is alignment The 13PDC 001m e a s u r e s only thepower that illuminates...

Page 66: ...fsetsare extremely smallin absolute value they canbe a factorwhen making relativemeasurments They can be elimated by using the null function Not only does it subtract the background illumination but i...

Page 67: ...r of fitnessfor a particular purpose givenin connectionwith the sale of any goods Melles Griot does not assume liabilityfor consequential incidental or special damages The purchaser s sole and exclusi...


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Page 70: ...Contact Date Telephone Fax Country SerialNumber RevisionNumber Manufacture Date iiwmlabelonbackpawl DetectorModelbeingused AC Mains Voltage Type oflaserbeingused FailureDescription System 3etthgsatti...

Page 71: ...Road 07 08 TheNetherla 3 11 2S h i SoonWing hdwtd Bldg 08360 33041 Shl buya ku Singapore 1334 Fax 08360 28187 Tdcyo Japan 65 7435884 81 03 3407 3614 Fax 65 7434524 Germany F X 81 03 34864923 Kl 14 64...
