to position 1 and add the fish bouillon. Bring
to the boil. Clean the spring onions, and cut
into approximately 8 cm lengths. Poach the
spinach and the spring onions in the bouil-
lon. If so required, add pepper and salt to
Ingredients for 2 servings: 6 large shrimps,
1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 0.4 litres of fish
bouillon, 1/2 shallot, 1/2 ginger corm, 100
grams of spring onions, 50 grams of bamboo
shoots, 1/2 dl of hot sweet chilli sauce, 100
grams of Sugar Snaps, pepper and salt.
1. Switch on the Electric Pot (position 4)
and grease with a little sesame oil. Fry the
cleaned shrimps.
2. Turn the thermostat to position 1 and add
the fish bouillon. Chop the shallot and ginger
corm finely. Clean the spring onions, and
cut the white part into approximately 8cm
lengths. Repeat with the bamboo shoots.
Add to the fish bouillon, and stir in the hot
chilli sauce. Bring to the boil.
Add the Sugar Snaps.
Ingredients for 2 servings: 4 filets mignon,
80 gram, 4 rashers of lean bacon, 4 cocktail
sticks, freshly-ground pepper, 0.4 litre chicken
bouillon, 1/2 chopped onion, 1/2 tablespoon
tomato ketchup, 1/2 tablespoon tomato puree,
1/2 teaspoon hot sweet chilli, 50 gram maize,
and 50 gram red kidney beans.
1. Switch on the Electric Pot (position 3).
2. Sprinkle the filet mignon with pepper and
salt, and wrap in a rasher of bacon. Push a
cocktail stick through the roll.
3. Fry the filet mignon for about 10-15 minutes
until they are done; turn them to brown them
on both sides.
4. Turn the thermostat to position 1 and add
the chicken bouillon. Fruit the onion. Add
together with the tomato ketchup, tomato
puree and the hot chilli. Bring the bouillon to
the boil, and add the maize and
the kidney beans.
5. Remove the filet mignon from the pot, and
serve with a spoonful of the vegetables.
Ingredients for 2 servings: 100 gram noodles,
0,4 litre chicken bouillon, 1/8
Chinese cabbage,1/8 bunch of fresh coriander,
pepper and salt.
1. Pour the chicken bouillon into the pot, and
switch on the Electric Pot . Bring to the boil
at position 1, and sprinkle the noodles
into the bouillon.
2. Cut the Chinese cabbage into very thin
strips. Add once the noodles are almost
done. Chop the coriander finely, and stir into
the bouillon. If so required, add
pepper and salt to taste.
Ingredients for 2 servings: 4 drumsticks. Mari-
nade: 1 dl olive oil, 2 halved cloves of garlic,
1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 1 dl of cognac,
1/2 of a small sprig of thyme, 1/2 of a small
sprig of rosemary, 1 leaf of fresh sage, 1 leaf of
fresh laurel, pepper and salt, 50 grams of black
olives and 50 grams of green olives.
1. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade,
and leave the drumsticks to marinate in the
mixture for 24 hours.
2. Remove the drumsticks from the marinade,
and pour the marinade into the Electric Pot.
3. Switch on the Electric Pot (position 4), and
fry the drumsticks for about 20 minutes until
they are done.
4. Remove the drumsticks from the pot and
put them on hot plates. Add the olives to the
marinade, and heat thoroughly. Pour a large
serving spoon of olives and marinade over
drumsticks before serving.
Ingredients for 2 servings: 250 gram veal es-
calope. Marinade: 1 tablespoon of soy sauce,
1 tablespoon of dry sherry, 1/2 tablespoon of
brown sugar, 1/2 small ginger corm, 1/2 tea-
spoon of sesame oil,1/2 teaspoon of vinegar,
and black pepper.
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4/29/2014 10:28:40 AM