Rev 1.5
Mellanox Technologies
the latest found on the Mellanox site, if not update to the latest version found on the Mellanox
Firmware can be updated on the stand alone single card using the
tool of the
Mellanox Firm-
ware Tools (MFT)
package. This package is available for download, along with its user manual,
from the Mellanox Firmware Tools page. See
=> Support > Download
A firmware binaries table lists a binary file HCA Adapter per adaptercard. The file name of each
such binary is composed by combining the firmware name, the firmware release version, and the
card part number. Please contact Mellanox system support if you cannot find the firmware binary
for your adapter card.
To check the latest firmware:
1. Go to Mellanox web site to check current firmware version.
Go to:
2. Enter your card PSID and compare the firmware versions.
Figure 7: Support Download Assistant