background image



Never fill the baking pan with ingredients completely, as the
dough will expand as it rises.

If you have a ready-made dough, it can be baked in the
machine without kneading and proving (use programme 12).

If you want to mix a dough (e.g. for buns or pizza) for baking in
an ordinary oven, you can use programme 8.

The breadmaker is best suited for baking bread, but it is also
possible to bake cakes, preferably without too much fat. Try
your own recipes or ready-made cake mixes.

Operating the breadmaker

Remove the baking pan, and fit the kneading paddle in the
baking pan (unless you use programme 12, when the dough is
not kneaded).

Place the ingredients in the baking pan.
- The ingredients must be at room temperature (18-23° C) and
must be added in the order given in the recipe!
- Dried yeast must be added last and placed in a small
depression in the flour.
- Sugar, salt and other spices should be distributed evenly
over the rest of the ingredients.

Place the baking pan in the baking chamber.

Close the lid.

Plug in.

Select the required programme and bread size and crust
colour, if required.

Set the timer function, if required (see below).

Press the START/STOP button. The colon in the display
flashes and the programme starts.
- Baking consists of the following processes: kneading/resting,
proving, baking and keeping warm after baking has finished.
- During kneading, the breadmaker will buzz as the kneading
paddle rotates. This is perfectly normal.
- If you have set the timer function, the programme will start
once the timer has stopped (see below). The colon in the
display flashes will continue to flash.
- If you have selected programme 1, 2, 3, 5 or 11, the
breadmaker beeps several times, the second time it kneads in
order to indicate that fruit or nuts, etc. can be added.
- During baking, steam can rise from the ventilation openings
in the lid. This is perfectly normal.
- Do not open the lid before baking ends as this may affect the
quality of the bread, particularly its ability to rise.

Once the programme has finished, the breadmaker beeps
once. The breadmaker then keeps the bread warm for 1 hour,
after which 10 beeps are heard and the breadmaker switches
off. You can stop the breadmaker’s keep-warm function before
the hour has passed by pressing and holding the
START/STOP button for approximately 3 seconds.

Open the lid and remove the baking pan. 
Important! The baking pan is very hot after baking! Always use
an oven glove or similar when removing the baking pan and do
not place it on a surface that may be damaged by the heat.

Remove the plug from the socket.

Please note that the kneading paddle may stick to the bread
when you remove it from the baking pan! 

Important! Only use plastic or wooden utensils when releasing
the bread from the baking pan, as the non-stick coating may
be damaged if you use metal utensils.

Using the timer function

The breadmaker can be set to start with a delay. For instance you
can set it in the evening to start early the next morning.
Press TIME+ to increase the delay by 10 minutes and TIME- to
reduce it by 10 minutes. Enter the time required up until the bread
has finished baking. 

It is currently 9 pm and you want the bread to finish baking at 7 am
the next morning. This is a difference of 10 hours, so press TIME+
until 10.00 is shown on the display, and then press Start.  

Important! Do not use perishable ingredients such as milk or
eggs when using the timer function.

Warning messages




The display shows this message when you start 
the breadmaker if the temperature in the baking 
chamber is too high. Stop the breadmaker, open 
the lid and allow the breadmaker to cool for 10-20 


The display shows this message when you start 
the breadmaker if the temperature sensor is faulty.
Take the appliance to an authorised service 

rev_Breadmaker_IM  31/10/05  13:09  Side 36

Summary of Contents for 643-043

Page 1: ...SE Bakmaskin 2 DK Bagemaskine 10 NO Br dbakemaskin 18 FI Leip kone 26 UK Bread maker 34 DE Brotbackmaschine 42 PL Robot do pieczenia pieczywa 50 RU X 58 643 043...

Page 2: ...till en auktoriserad serviceverkstad Om apparaten uts tts f r obeh riga reparationer upph vs garantin Kontakta s ljaren om reparationerna t cks av garantin BESKRIVNING AV BAKMASKINENS DELAR 1 Lock 2...

Page 3: ...ten inte kommer i kontakt med v tska eftersom j sningen d p b rjas f r tidigt H ll v tskan i bakformen och placera j sten verst Korn f r fullkornsbr d beh ver inte kokas men kan bl tl ggas Tips Fyll a...

Page 4: ...g kan nga komma ur ventilations ppningarna i locket Det r helt normalt ppna inte locket innan bakningen r f rdig Det kan p verka br dkvaliteten speciellt h jningsf rm gan S snart programmet r f rdigt...

Page 5: ...n Salt Vegetabilisk olja Socker Vetemj l Majsmj l J st Vatten Sm r eller margarin Salt Farinsocker Finmalet havremj l Vetemj l J st K rnmj lk Salt Socker Vetemj l J st Mj lk Sm r eller margarin Salt S...

Page 6: ...l Socker J st Vatten Salt Sm r eller margarin Honung Vin ger Grahamsmj l J st Vatten Salt Socker Stekt l k Vetemj l J st gg Mj lk Olja Socker Skalat rivet pple Hackade valn tter Vetemj l Bikarbonat B...

Page 7: ...rnor Linfr n Sesamfr n Salt Honung J st K rnmj lk Speltvetemj l R gmj l Speltvetekross Solrosfr n Salt Socker J st Vatten eller mj lk Yoghurt Salt Socker Vin ger Vetekross J st Vatten Sm r eller marg...

Page 8: ...g inte lika mycket som andra mj lvarianter Anv nd mj l med ett h gt gluteninneh ll Anv nd torkad j st tills tt j sten sist och se till att den inte kommer i kontakt med v tska salt och socker Anv nd m...

Page 9: ...f ljande text innan du ringer en reparat r Om resultaten nd inte r tillr ckligt bra b r du kontakta en reparat r TIPS F R MILJ N N r elektriska produkter inte l ngre fungerar ska de kasseras p det s t...

Page 10: ...bagemaskinen indleveres til en autoriseret reparat r Hvis der foretages uautoriserede indgreb i apparatet bortfalder garantien Kontakt k bsstedet hvis der er tale om en reparation der falder ind unde...

Page 11: det bages ved hj lp af timerfunktionen V sken skal have stuetemperatur S rg for at g ren ikke kommer i kontakt med v sken s g ringen starter for tidligt h ld v sken i bageformen og anbring g ren v...

Page 12: op fra ventilations bningerne i l get Dette er normalt og skyldes ikke en fejl bn ikke l get f r bagningen er afsluttet da det vil p virke br dets kvalitet s rligt evnen til at h ve N r programmet...

Page 13: ...etabilsk olie Sukker Hvedemel Majsmel G r Vand Sm r eller margarine Salt Brun farin Finvalsede havregryn Hvedemel G r K rnem lk Salt Sukker Hvedemel G r M lk Sm r eller margarine Salt Sukker Hvedemel...

Page 14: ...urdej Hvedemel Sukker G r Vand Salt Sm r eller margarine Honning Eddike Grahamsmel G r Vand Salt Sukker Ristede l g Hvedemel G r g M lk Olie Sukker Skr llede revne bler Hakkede valn dder Hvedemel Natr...

Page 15: ...rner Gr skarkerner H rfr Sesamfr Salt Honning G r K rnem lk Speltmel Rugmel Groft speltmel Solsikkekerner Salt Sukker G r Vand eller m lk Yoghurt Salt Sukker Eddike Groft hvedemel G r Vand Sm r eller...

Page 16: ...lidt opvaskemiddel hvis bagemaskinen er meget beskidt Hvis ltepladen er sv r at afmontere kan du h lde lidt vand i bageformen og lade den st i bl d 270 ml 1 tsk 1 spsk 750 ml 1 5 tsk 270 ml 1 tsk 1 sp...

Page 17: ...xi Group Vi tager forbehold for trykfejl Problem Mulig l sning Br det h ver ikke Brug en meltype der h ver godt Fuldkornshvedemel og rugmel h ver ikke s meget som andre meltyper Brug mel med h jt glut...

Page 18: hvis reparasjonen faller inn under garantien OVERSIKT OVER DELENE TIL BR DBAKEMASKINEN 1 Lokk 2 B reh ndtak 3 Bakerom 4 Varmeelement 5 Ledning og st psel 6 Kontrollpanel 7 Eltekrok 8 Br dform 9 Di...

Page 19: ...i stedet for t rrgj r Kaker b r bakes med en gang N r du skal bake br det med timerfunksjonen V sken b r v re romtemperert P se at gj ren ikke kommer i kontakt med v sken ellers vil hevingen starte fo...

Page 20: ...t komme damp fra ventilasjons pningene i lokket Dette er helt normalt Ikke pne lokket f r bakingen er avsluttet da det kan p virke kvaliteten p br det spesielt hevingen N r programmet er avsluttet pip...

Page 21: ...Sukker Hvetemel Maismel Gj r Vann Sm r eller margarin Salt Brunt sukker Finmalt havremel Hvetemel Gj r Kjernemelk Salt Sukker Hvetemel Gj r Melk Sm r eller margarin Salt Sukker Hvetemel Gj r 180 ml 3...

Page 22: ...Hvetemel Sukker Gj r Vann Salt Sm r eller margarin Honning Eddik Grahammel Gj r Vann Salt Sukker Stekt l k Hvetemel Gj r Egg Melk Olje Sukker Skrelte revne epler Hakkede valn tter Hvetemel Natron Bake...

Page 23: Linfr Sesamfr Salt Honning Gj r Kjernemelk Speltmel Rugmel Grovt speltmel Solsikkefr Salt Sukker Gj r Vann eller melk Yoghurt Salt Sukker Eddik Grovt hvetemel Gj r Vann Sm r eller margarin Salt Suk...

Page 24: ...hvetemel Hvetebr d lbr d Type br d Ingredienser St rrelse p br det Program Merknader 750 g 500 g 170 ml 1 ts 1 ss 500 ml 1 5 ts 180 ml 1 ts 1 ss 3 4 ts 3 4 ts 500 ml 3 4 ss 1 5 ts 100 ml 100 ml 120 g...

Page 25: ...r ikke dersom bruksanvisningen ikke er fulgt dersom det er foretatt uautoriserte inngrep i apparatet dersom apparatet er blitt uheldig h ndtert utsatt for hard behandling eller skadet p annen m te ved...

Page 26: ...oltoliikkeeseen Jos laitteen korjaa joku muu kuin huoltoliikkeen edustaja takuu ei ole en voimassa Ota yhteytt j lleenmyyj n jos takuu korvaa korjauksen LEIP KONEEN OSAT 1 Kansi 2 Kantokahva 3 Paistop...

Page 27: ...inuutin ajan jotta ne pehmenev t Voit my s k ytt tuorehiivaa kuivahiivan sijasta Kakut on leivottava heti Jos leip leivotaan ajastintoimintoa k ytt m ll Nesteen on oltava huoneenl mp ist Varmista ett...

Page 28: ...jne voidaan lis t Leivonnan aikana h yry voi nousta kannen tuuletusaikoista Se on t ysin normaalia l avaa kantta ennen kuin leivonta on p ttynyt sill se voi vaikuttaa leiv n laatuun erityisesti sen ko...

Page 29: ...ljy Sokeria Vehn jauhoja Maissijauhoja Hiivaa Vett Voita tai margariinia Suolaa Fariinisokeria Hienoksi jauhettuja kaurahiutaleita Vehn jauhoja Hiivaa Kirnupiim Suolaa Sokeria Vehn jauhoja Hiivaa Mait...

Page 30: ...ia Hiivaa Vett Suolaa Voita tai margariinia Hunajaa Viinietikkaa Grahamjauhoja Hiivaa Vett Suolaa Sokeria Paistettuja sipuleita Vehn jauhoja Hiivaa Munia Maitoa ljy Sokeria Kuorittua raastettua omenaa...

Page 31: ...iemeni Pellavansiemeni Seesaminsiemeni Suolaa Hunajaa Hiivaa Kirnupiim Spelttijauhoja Ruisjauhoja Karkeita spelttijauhoja Auringonkukansiemeni Suolaa Sokeria Hiivaa Vett tai maitoa Jogurttia Suolaa So...

Page 32: ...laa Seesaminsiemeni Hiivaa 3 3 1 Vehn leip karkeista vehn jauhoista Vehn leip Olutleip Vett Leip tyyppi Ainekset Leiv n koko Ohjelma Huomioitavaa 750 g 500 g 170 ml 1 tl 1 rkl 500 ml 1 5 tl 180 ml 1 t...

Page 33: ...KUUEHDOT Takuu ei ole voimassa jos edell olevia ohjeita ei ole noudatettu laitteeseen on tehty muutoksia laitetta on k sitelty v rin tai rajusti tai se on k rsinyt muita vaurioita syntyneet viat johtu...

Page 34: ...ected to unauthorised repairs the guarantee will become void Contact your retailer if the repairs fall under the terms of the guarantee KEY TO THE BREADMAKER S PARTS 1 Lid 2 Carrying handle 3 Baking c...

Page 35: ...can also use fresh yeast instead of dried yeast Cakes should be baked immediately If bread is baked using the timer function The liquid should be at room temperature Ensure that the yeast does not com...

Page 36: ...ntilation openings in the lid This is perfectly normal Do not open the lid before baking ends as this may affect the quality of the bread particularly its ability to rise Once the programme has finish...

Page 37: ...ur Corn flour Yeast Water Butter or margarine Salt Brown sugar Finely ground oatmeal Wheat flour Yeast Buttermilk Salt Sugar Wheat flour Yeast Milk Butter or margarine Salt Sugar Wheat flour Yeast 180...

Page 38: ...r Yeast Water Salt Butter or margarine Honey Vinegar Graham flour Yeast Water Salt Sugar Fried onions Wheat flour Yeast Eggs Milk Oil Sugar Peeled grated apple Chopped walnuts Wheat flour Bicarbonate...

Page 39: ...eds Linseed Sesame seeds Salt Honey Yeast Buttermilk Spelt flour Rye flour Coarse spelt flour Sunflower seeds Salt Sugar Yeast Water or milk Yoghurt Salt Sugar Vinegar Coarse wheat flour Yeast Water B...

Page 40: ...tbsp 3 4 tsp 3 4 tsp 500 ml 3 4 tbsp 1 5 tsp 100 ml 100 ml 120 g 80 g 80 g 1 tsp 20 g 1 5 tsp 3 3 1 Coarse wheat bread Wheat bread Beer bread Bread type Ingredients Bread size Programme Remarks 1 5 l...

Page 41: ...ntee does not apply if the above instructions are not followed if the appliance has been interfered with if the appliance has been mishandled subjected to rough treatment or has suffered any other for...

Page 42: t selbst zu reparieren Falls Ger t Kabel oder Stecker repariert werden m ssen muss dies in einer ausgewiesenen Kundendienstwerkstatt erfolgen Bei Reparatur durch eine hierzu nicht befugte Person er...

Page 43: ...eig besser und das Brot gewinnt an S e und Geschmack Das Brot wird weicher und seine Oberfl che braun Anstelle von Zucker k nnen Sie auch Honig verwenden Fl ssigkeit Wasser Milch oder Schlagsahne k nn...

Page 44: ...Backen W hrend des Knetens verursacht der Knethaken ein h rbares Summen Dies ist v llig normal Haben Sie die Timerfunktion eingestellt so startet das Programm sobald der Timer stoppt siehe unten Der...

Page 45: ...ucker Hartweizenmehl Weizenmehl Hefe Wasser Salz Pflanzen l Weizenmehl Hartweizenmehl Zucker Hefe Wasser oder Milch Butter oder Margarine Salz Zucker Weizenmehl Hefe Rosinen Gehackte Waln sse Wasser S...

Page 46: Salz Butter oder Margarine Honig Essig Graham Mehl Hefe Wasser Salz Zucker Gebratene Zwiebeln Weizenmehl Hefe Eier Milch l Zucker Gesch lte und geriebene pfel Gehackte Waln sse Weizenmehl Natriumbi...

Page 47: ...amen Sesamk rner Salz Honig Hefe Buttermilch Dinkelmehl Roggenmehl Grobes Dinkelmehl Sonnenblumenkerne Salz Zucker Hefe Wasser oder Milch Joghurt Salz Zucker Essig Grobes Weizenmehl Hefe Wasser Butter...

Page 48: ...ittel wenn die Brotbackmaschine stark verschmutzt ist Wenn der Knethaken festsitzt k nnen Sie etwas Wasser in die Brotwanne gie en und sie einige Zeit stehen lassen 270 ml 1 TL 1 EL 750 ml 1 5 TL 270...

Page 49: ...Verwenden Sie frische Trockenhefe f gen Sie die Hefe als letztes hinzu und halten Sie sie von Fl ssigkeit Salz und Zucker fern Verwenden Sie mehr Fl ssigkeit etwa 30 ml Die Zutaten wurden falsch abgew...

Page 50: ...niu wtyczki z gniazdka nie nale y ci gn za przew d sieciowy Nale y trzyma za wtyczk Nigdy nie wolno samodzielnie naprawia maszyny do pieczenia chleba Je eli maszyna do pieczenia chleba przew d sieciow...

Page 51: ...j c jednocze nie jego spr ysto PRZYCISK DZIA ANIE TIME 10 i TIME 11 S u do ustawiania funkcji wy cznika czasowego Nie dzia aj dla program w 6 i 7 MENU 12 S u y do prze czania si pomi dzy 12 programami...

Page 52: ...eczenie obejmuje nast puj ce procesy wyrabianie odpoczynek dojrzewanie pieczenie i utrzymywanie ciep a po zako czeniu pieczenia Podczas wyrabiania maszyna do pieczenia chleba b dzie brz cze gdy obraca...

Page 53: ...g 50 g 290 ml 1 y eczka 3 4 y ka sto owa 1 y ka sto owa 665 ml 80 g 1 5 y eczka 280 ml 20 g 1 y eczka 1 y ka sto owa 120 g 580 ml 1 5 y eczka Woda S l Cukier M ka z pszenicy twardej M ka pszenna Dro...

Page 54: ...Woda S l Mas o lub margaryna Mi d Ocet M ka Grahama Dro d e Woda S l Cukier Sma ona cebula M ka pszenna Dro d e Jajka Mleko Olej Cukier Obrane pokrojone jab ko Pokruszone orzechy w oskie M ka pszenna...

Page 55: ...sta m ka ytnia M ka z orkiszu M ka gryczana Nasiona s onecznika Nasiona dyni Siemi lniane Nasiona sezamu S l Mi d Dro d e Ma lanka M ka z orkiszu M ka ytnia M ka z gruboziarnistego orkiszu Nasiona s o...

Page 56: ...dzona Je eli trudno jest wyj mieszad o do ciasta mo na nala troch wody do formy do pieczenia i pozostawi j tam na jaki czas 270 ml 1 y eczka 1 y ka sto owa 750 ml 1 5 y eczka 270 ml 1 y eczka 1 y ka s...

Page 57: nie ponosi odpowiedzialno ci za b dy w druku Problem Mo liwe rozwi zanie Chleb nie ro nie U yj m ki kt ra dobrze ro nie M ka pe noziarnista i m ka ytnia nie rosn tak dobrze jak inne gatunki m ki U...

Page 58: ...58 230 50 TART TOP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TIME 11 TIME 12 MENU 13 TART TOP 14 LOAF IZE 15 COLOUR 8 3 4 9 1 3 00 1 3 RU...

Page 59: ...IME 11 6 7 MENU 12 12 START STOP 13 1 3 LOAF SIZE 14 1 0 500 1 5 750 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 COLOR 15 8 12 1 BASIC 3 2 FRENCH 3 50 3 WHOLE WHEAT 3 40 4 QUICK 1 40 5 SWEET 2 55 6 ULTRA FAST I 500 0 58 7 ULTRA...

Page 60: ...60 37 C 12 8 12 18 23 C TART TOP 1 2 3 5 11 1 10 TART TOP 3...

Page 61: ...61 TIME 10 TIME 10 21 00 7 10 TIME 10 00 Start H HH 10 20 E EE...

Page 62: ...0 5 1 680 1 5 50 50 290 1 3 4 1 665 80 1 5 280 20 1 1 120 580 1 5 180 3 4 3 4 80 500 1 5 190 1 1 500 60 1 1 5 180 18 0 5 1 450 1 5 35 20 190 1 2 3 1 416 50 1 5 180 15 1 1 80 375 1 5 180 1 1 500 1 5 1...

Page 63: ...1 5 665 2 280 1 20 750 1 1 5 270 1 20 1 3 4 750 2 290 1 1 5 30 750 1 5 1 80 2 125 250 125 500 1 1 0 5 0 5 0 5 290 20 1 1 250 250 2 180 15 0 5 1 500 1 5 40 170 25 1 80 1 1 440 2 180 1 15 500 3 4 1 5 17...

Page 64: ...0 160 30 30 25 35 35 1 1 1 1 2 300 330 250 250 50 1 1 2 180 120 1 1 3 4 750 1 5 270 25 1 1 50 1 750 1 5 180 10 2 3 1 2 3 330 250 1 5 170 330 165 60 0 5 2 150 125 125 20 20 20 20 20 2 3 2 3 1 2 3 2 200...

Page 65: ...65 270 1 1 750 1 5 270 1 1 3 4 3 4 750 3 4 1 5 150 150 180 135 135 1 35 1 5 170 1 1 500 1 5 180 1 1 3 4 3 4 500 3 4 1 5 100 100 120 80 80 1 20 1 5 3 3 1 1 5 1 0...

Page 66: ...66 Adexi 30 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 8 1 4...

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