MT-300 Pico Broadcaster
Operator Manual
Complete the IP setting fields on the Network tab compatible with your network
addressing scheme. Click the Save & Apply button on the bottom of the page.
Depending on the changes made to the IP address configuration, the MT300 may
no longer be reachable using the figure 1 and 2 recommended IP address configurations.
Connect the MT300 to a network interface that will allow the device access to the
internet. The MT300 needs internet access to be able to operate. The transmitter will not
be enabled until the device successfully registers with and receives a channel list from the
TV Bands database service.
Using your PC internet browser; type the IP address assigned to the MT300 in the custom
network setup
in the browser URL field to access the device webpage
interface. The device registration tab will be displayed. To complete the device
registration process, proceed to the
Device Registration
section below for registering
your device.
Device Registration - Registering your device with the White Space Database
Select the White Space Registration tab and complete the White Space Registration form.
All fields are required for successful registration. Click on the Save & Apply button on
the bottom of the page. This will enable the FCC certified database to authenticate the
system and provide white space channels that are available for use in your location.
Reference the examples shown below.
Professional installation tools and procedures for determining location must be
used to accurately determine the location /- 50 m accuracy.