Calculator can run general/scientific calculation and unit conversion.
/scientific calculation
Tap the Calculator icon on Home Screen to launch the app.
The default page contains
2 tabs: Common and Scientific calculation. You can tap on the tabs to switch between
these 2 calculating modes.
More calculating modes
on the left upper corner to see more options
Currency: You can check different currencies in this page. This feature requires network
to update the exchange rate to provide more accurate results;
Area: Calculations between different units for area measurement;
Weight: Calculations between different units for weight measurement;
Length: Calculations between different units for length measurement;
Numeral System: Calculations between different numeral systems such as decimal,
binary, octal and etc.
Floating mode
on the right upper corner under full screen mode to enter floating mode;
under floating mode to switch back to full screen mode, or tap to exit calculator.
App Guide 47